
Causes of Edema in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

When long-term edema appears to us, we always worry we suffer from Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and that is because edema is one of the common symptoms of kidney disease. Well then, why people suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease have edema? What are the causes of edema in kidney disease?
Edema is caused by the retention of excessive fluid among the tissues. Edema appearing in people suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease can be caused through different pathological process.
First of all, edema in Chronic Kidney Disease can arise from the great loss of large amount of protein. Protein is one of the necessary substances while maintaining our normal activities. When kidneys are damaged, large amount of protein in the blood are leaked out and get out of our body along with urine. Reducing of protein in the blood will lower the solute concentration of our blood. To keep balance of solute concentration between inside and outside of blood vessels, more and more fluid in the blood will ooze and get into tissues and as a result, edema appear.(Swelling and Kidney Disease)
Secondly, edema can result from the decreased glomerular filtration rate. Decrease of glomerular filtration rate means less blood flow can be filtrated by glomerulus. Our kidneys have excretion function and as blood flow filtrated by glomerulus decrease, the fluids discharged by our kidneys decrease therewith.
Thirdly, causes of edema in Chronic Kidney Disease also include the retention of sodium and water in our body. In general, about ninety nine percent of sodium and water will be reabsorbed by renal tubules. However, because of some reasons like increased glomerular filtration rate, much more water and sodium are reabsorbed and leading to the retention of water and sodium in our body and consequently, edema appears.

The causes we mentioned above are the major causes of edema in Chronic Kidney Disease. If there is anything unclear or you want to know more about edema or Chronic Kidney Disease, you can email to me or consult our consultant online, we will try our best to help you.

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