
What Should Children with Chronic Kidney Disease do?

Recently, we heard from a father in America. He said that his son got Renal Failure, which belongs to stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease. About two months ago, his son adoptedKidney Transplantation, but his condition is not satisfying. The boy is just 12 years old. He has a strong rejection from the donated kidney. And his GFR is 15ml/min. It means that the Kidney Transplantation is failed. Why does this circumstance occur?
Kidneys have a great effect on the growth and health of children. They can filter blood to remove harmful wastes, extra water and salt; balance the level of electrolytes; secrete hormones to help bones grow and keep them strong. Renal Failure can cause more health problems, like swelling of the body, bone deformities, and growth failure.
For the children with Renal Failure, doctors in our hospital do not recommend them to adopt kidney transplantation. The reasons as below:
a. Children are different from adults. The growth of children is not mature. For example, the same dose of medicines for adults may lead to the death of children. Kidney Transplantation may succeed for adults, but for children, it is different. The donated kidney cannot grow with their bodies. So the donated kidney is difficult to match.
b. After Kidney Transplantation, patients must take medicines to prevent the body from rejecting the donated kidney in the rest time of their lives. But children have stronger rejections than adults. They may endure more sufferings.
Compared with Kidney Transplantation, doctors in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease hospital think that Immunotherapyation is better. Because Immunotherapys are in the stage of nature, they have no matching problems. So they will not have rejections, which can ease children’s pain. But after having Immunotherapyation, children should avoid all kinds of infections (especially cold) in 3-6 months. During this period, their parents should take good care of them. Because the infused Immunotherapys in the body are not mature and the immunity is weak, the children should stay healthy during this period.
In addition, parents whose child got Chronic Kidney Disease should be optimistic. There are many recovery cases in our hospital. Do not be so anxious. I hope these points mentioned above can help the parents make a decision.

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