
Is Proteinuria Bound to Induce Kidney Damage

Is proteinuria bound to induce proteinuria? Whether proteinuria certainly causes kidney damage? These are the most concerned issues for most patients. Here I want to give you answers.
In clinical persistent proteinuria often indicates that your kidneys are substantially damaged. However, on judging the degree of kidney damage or kidney disease, we cannot rely solely on the proteinuria(Proteinuria and Kidney Disease), we should have a comprehensive consideration according to the amount of protein in urine and its duration time, as well as the patients’ overall conditions including his condition of renal function.
If proteinuria appears, it really can cause the damages to kidneys. See the following.
In Renal Failure patients, we can see the serum protein deposited in the part of glomerular mesangial area, which could induce the increase of synthesis of ECM, thereby, inducing the glomerular sclerosis.
The second, if proteinuria occurs, the protein entering into the epithelial cells of renal tubules will increase, which could cell damage by inflammation and induce the formation of scar.
The third is that protein could directly modify the renal tubules’ cells functions, change its growth characteristics and leads to the process of fibrosis.
The last point is proteinuria could induce and aggravate the anoxia of renal tubules, the reason for which is that the reabsorption of large amount of protein needs to consume lots of energies, thereby causing the renal tubules’ cells oxygen deficit and furthermore inducing the cells’ damage.

So whether proteinuria will induce kidney damage needs to consider from your specific conditions. If you are still confused, ask us for whatever you want.

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