
Creatinine Level for Third Stage of Kidney Disease

In most cases, serum creatinine can reflect the degree how kidney is damaged. In the third stage of kidney disease, the creatinine in serum can be as high as 186-442umol/L.Creatinine is really an important reference in many countries. In China, renal insufficiency can be divided into 4 stages according to serum creatinine, which are compensation stage, discompensation stage, early stage of renal failure and advanced stage of renal failure.
However, the level of serum creatinine can be influenced by many factors such as diet and exercise for creatinine is the metabolism product of muscles. Especially when patients are in the first stage, the compensation stage, serum creatinine will not rise although there has already been damage in the kidney. Serum creatinine does not rise because of compensation ability of the kidney. We can also say that after some renal glomerulus fail to work, other healthy ones can do more extra work to replace them for the time being.

Which index is more accurate than serum creatinine that can show the damage of the kidney in time? The solution is GFR, which is short for glomerular filtration rate. According to GFR, chronic kidney disease can be divided into 5 stages and this classification criteria has been accepted by most of the countries in the world.

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