
VU DINH Renal Hypertension from America

Patient: VU DINH
Gender: male
Age: 47 years old
Country: America
Admission condition: with proteinuria and with hypertension, after kidney transplant 14years. 180/120 mmHg, conjunctival pale, double lung breath sounds clear, Abdominal flat soft, right iliac nest place here is a long 8 cm normal oblique surgery scar, of lower limbs without edema. Previous: kidney transplantation elevated blood pressure, up to 170/110 mmHg, regular tartaric acid of 25 mg twice-daily 1 / day, Malay acid 5 mg enalaprilat 1 / day. 1996 do appendicitis surgical operation. Auxiliary examination: ultrasound impression: renal allograft diffuse disease, kidney transplantation set separation syImmunotherapy. Blood tests and: HGB 154 g/L. Routine urine: urine protein (1 +), concealed blood (+-24-hour urinary protein quantitative 1.01 g; Electrolyte: CO2 mmol/L 21.3, ALB33.4 g/L, TG 1.82 mmol/L, TC5.84 mmol/L, renal function CREA 259 umol/L, BUN 12.4 mmol/L, Ccr 26.86 ml/min.
Diagnosis: Chronic Renal Insufficiency, Renal Hypertension.
Treatment: firstly, patient received symptomatic treatment through western medicine, which accompanied with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to block fibrosis, so as to control the development of disease. When illness condition became stable, patient received embryonic Immunotherapy.
Expert comments: For patient who have done the kidney transplant, there are many things you should pay attention to. Although you may have very stable condition now, one cold or infection may make all your efforts in vain. Here are some points you should pay attention to as follow:
1. Keep a balance diet and low salt intake, keep your mood stable.
2. Have a test every week so that you have a good knowledge about yourself.
3. Have medicine regularly according to doctors suggestions

4. Avoid infection or some medicine damaging your kidney. You should pay much attention about this point.

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