
Can Anything Be Done to Prevent ccRecurring Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)?

Can anything be done to prevent the women recurring UIT? There are some suggestions for you to refer. We hope they are of some help for you.
At the same,How to Prevent Kidney Disease Symptoms in Women.
1. Water helps wash your urinary tract, so make sure you drink plenty of plain water daily. You had better drink 8-10 glasses of water everyday.
2. Don't hold it when you need to urinate! You should pay much attention of this point. As holding urine is a bad habit, you had better give it up.
3. Taking showers instead of baths helps prevent bacteria from entering the urethra and causing a UTI.(Kidney Shrinkage, Persistent UTI and Prostate Mild Enlargement)
4. Always wash your genital area both before and after sexual intercourse can help you prevent UTI.
5. Feminine hygiene sprays and douches can irritate the urethra and possibly lead to a UTI. Always keep them clean enough for you to use.
5. Taking cranberry juice is a fairly well-known and natural way to both help prevent urinary tract infections, as well as helping speed the recovery process when a UTI develops.
5. Another nutritional way that may help prevent UTI is regularly taking vitamin C supplements. Vitamin C increases the acidity level of urine, which in turn helps decrease the number of harmful bacteria that may be present in your urinary tract Immunotherapy.
6. Always wear panties with a cotton crotch. Cotton fabric lets moisture escape easily.

7. Pay much attention to menstrual hygiene. When you are in pregnancy, keep all things you touched are clean.

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