
Why Can Not CKD Patients Have Beans

Chronic kidney disease patients also concentrate on what they should eat and what they should not eat besides adopting treatment measures and they regard food as natural treatment and assistant therapy of chronic kidney disease especially for those in the early stage.
Beans as we know contain kinds of nutrition. Common people even drink bean milk which is from beans. However, some experts in kidney disease field point out that patients with chronic kidney disease had better not have beans except those in chronic kidney disease stage 1. They will loose protein, but why they can not have bean which is rich in protein?
As a matter of fact, what protein patients with CKD should take in depends on what kind of protein it is. Generally, the principle is that patients with CKD should take in good quality proteins instead of bad proteins.Protein Limits for CKD Stage 4 Patients
What is good quality protein? It means that after metabolism, it can cause less nitrogen. Nitrogen, as we know, is a kind of metabolism product which can bring kidney more burden. Three substances are toxins which should be discharged out of the body. They are creatinine, High Creatinine Levels - How to Reduce High Creatinine Level in Blood,blood urea nitrogen, urea acid, the following two of which belong to nitrogen. All of them are discharged out of the body eventually through renal glomerualar filtration membrane. When kidney is damaged, or renal glomerualar filtration membrane is damaged, more nitrogen will accumulate in the blood. So in this case, patients with Nephrotic Syndrome should take in food which can cause less nitrogen. However, beans or bean product can cause more nitrogen in the metabolism.

In contrast, lean meat, eggs can cause less nitrogen in the process of metabolism.

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