
How I treat my chronic kidney disease?

P: I have recently been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease. I have also been battling bad right lower back pain for months. My back spasms and it hurts really bad when I bend over. Sometimes it takes my breath away to even move when my back is spasming so bad. Is this a symptom of chronic kidney disease? It is my kidney that's hurting and not my back? How I treat my chronic kidney disease?
D: It would depend on the precise cause of the renal disease, and there are a lot of them. In most cases, Chronic Renal Disease is silent, no physical symptoms at all, and is only found early but blood tests.
In a few conditions, for example some cystic renal diseases, the cysts can cause significant pain, and the kidneys lose function because the cysts replace healthy functioning tissue. So in things like that the renal failure is the result of another condition.
It's impossible to know without some blood test results and maybe the reports from an ultrasound or CT scan. But I suspect that in your case, the renal disease is one condition, and the back pain is a totally separate issue.

There are three special treatments in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital are Immunotherapy, Immunotherapy and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. These treatments have helped many patients reserve the chronic kidney disease. More detail, you can get from experts on line for free.

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