
The Protein Control of Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

We all know that patients with chronic kidney disease should control their diet, especially for the protein, so what is the protein control principle of chronic kidney disease patients?
Generally speaking, because of poor renal function of chronic kidney disease patients, they need to limit the protein intake everyday, and the protein they take should be high-quality protein which contains much essential amino-acid and high Bioavailability.
Medicines for Proteinuria and High Blood Pressure
Generally, lean meat, chicken, milk and egg white etc..
How Much Protein Can Be Given to a Person with Creatinine 11.2
So how much protein should be taken by chronic kidney disease patients? For the ckd patients who are not in stage of renal failure, the protein intake should be 0.6-0.8 g/ kilogram of body weight, it means that for a 70 kg patient, about 42-56 G. so what dose 42-56 g mean? Here we will list the protein quantity of some food; the information is for reference only: A Low Protein Diet for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients
Protein quantity of 100 g milk is about 3.1 g;
Protein quantity of 100 g lean pork is about 16.7 g;
Protein quantity of 100 g chicken is about 21.5 g;
Protein quantity of 100 g mutton is about 11.1 g;
Protein quantity of 100 g egg is about 14.7 g;
As for patients whose renal function is aggravating in an uncontrolled rate, a much more strict protein diet should be followed, the daily intake can be calculated according to creatinine(High Creatinine Levels) clearance rate:
Ccr< 5 ml/min, the daily protein intake should between 18-20 g;
Ccr 5-10 ml/min, the daily protein intake should between 20-25 g;
Ccr>10 ml/min, the daily protein intake should between 25-35 g;
As for bean products, since the protein in bean products are “coarse protein”, it contains less essential amino-acid, and beans will generate much urea nitrogen, which can not be discharged timely by poor renal function, and then increase the burden of kidneys. That’s why we do not suggest patients eating bean products.

The protein control of chronic kidney disease patients is important, even through it can not improve patient’s renal function, but it is helpful to control the aggravation of CKD.

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