
Elevated Creatinine Level after Kidney Transplantation

In post-renal transplantation people, elevated creatinine level is a warning sign that the new kidney is impaired again. A high creatinine needs immediate attention, and patients need to do take active measures to well protect their kidneys. Only if we know the causes of increased creatinine, can we carry on it better. We can draw the conclusion after reading the following passage.
Why creatinine levels elevate after kidney transplantation?
First, elevated creatinine levels seen in case of repulsion responses. In very 3-5 days after transplantation, acute immune system repulsions will cause a series of problems, including high body temperature, oliguria, high blood pressure, renal distending pains, and rapid creatinine elevation. In most others, renal damage caused by repulsion is often chronic, and takes over 6 months or even longer to gradually increase creatinine levels.
How Can I Lower Creatinine 4.1 After Kidney Transplant
What we need to know about immunosuppressive medicines is that, they will help remit the rejections, but will not complete avoid it. While inhibiting the abnormal renal immune response, the immune suppressive drugs will also restrain the normal immune system, further to lower immunity and induce secondary infections. Recurrent infections are risk factor for renal inflammatory injury. Keeping good nutrition state helps to resist infection-induced kidney deterioration.
In addition, elevated serum creatinine level is also seen due to relapse of the primary disease. Kidney transplant will not remove such primary factors as Diabetes, hypertension, immune defect, hereditary disorders, etc. Over time, the new kidney will be attacked again, causing high creatinine and many other symptoms such as proteinuria, swelling, hematuria, etc.
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Unhealthy lifestyle and living habits also contribute to rising creatinine levels. For instance, spicy foods, stimulating cigarettes and alcohol addiction, overfatigue and heavy workload also put extra pressure on the kidneys.
How to lower elevated serum creatinine level after kidney transplantation?
Nursing care helps better cope with the new kidney.
﹡Balance work with rest.
﹡Keep good nutrition condition.
﹡Quit smoking and drinking.
﹡Take care to prevent any infection from affecting the kidneys.
Effective treatment- Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Is Kidney Transplant Necessary for Creatinine Level 3.2? 
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a natural treatment remedy, the medicines are abstracted from herbal plants, without any side effects. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can dilate blood vessels, inactivate inflammatory factors and provide sufficient nutrients to offer to enhance metabolic functions of the new kidney and make it better survive in the human body. High creatinine indicates part scarring of the new kidney. Chinese medicine ingredients will play its role in repairing the pathological renal cells and restoring renal structure. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treatment for those with high creatinine treats the diseased kidney and avoids further progression. If the patient has very severe kidney function dropping with large part of necrosis cells, stem cell treatment as a latest medical technique will also be combined.

Effective Treatment for Hypertension in Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a genetic disease, belonging to congenital abnormality. As the renal cysts oppress the normal renal tissues, it will lead to Ischemia and hypoxia and hypoperfusion in the kidney. Therefore, Hypertension is a common symptom for the patients with PKD. If the renal hypertension is not controlled in time, the condition of some patients will gradually deteriorate, resulting in severe renal fibrosis and high creatinine, or even heart failure. As to some other patients, the deterioration may develop dramatically. And then the patients will have renal insufficiency, which is quite easy to develop to End Stage Renal Failure (Uremia).
Which Therapy Can Release the Hypertension in PKD
Treatments for Hypertension in PKD
Compared with primary hypertension, the treatment for renal hypertension in PKD should put the emphasis on the treatment against PKD. Reduce the renal pressure given by cysts and block the development of renal fibrosis are the fundamentals to treat it.
As it has been proved among lots of cases in clinic, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a trustworthy treatment to against PKD. The controlling of hypertension can be achieved by its effect of expanding blood vessels and promoting the systemic circulation.
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As the renal arteries are expanded, the blood supply of kidney will be improved. Then it will increase the permeability of the wall of cysts, and help to pass out the excess cyst fluid by circulation. Meanwhile, the active principles in Chinese medicine can prevent the excretion of cyst fluid, thus contracting the cysts and controlling hypertension fundamentally.
In addition, the Chinese medicine can help to stave off the development of renal fibrosis. The active substances in Chinese medicine directly affect the damaged renal tissues, cardiac fibroblasts and immunocomplex by degrading the fibrosis and immunocomplex gradually. Moreover, the Chinese medicine can provide necessary materials for the restoration of renal tissues and the recovery of kidney. If the renal functions get recovered, hypertension and other symptoms in PKD will accordingly disappear.
Which Therapy Can Help Patients Release the Hypertension in Polycystic Kidney Disease


The Early Symptoms of PKD

Patients with PKD or other kinds of kidney cysts always complain that the detection of cysts is too late, but all the cysts in kidney arouse no obvious symptoms in the early period. When the patients feel uncomfortable, the cysts are already big enough. Then, what are the early symptoms of PKD is always wondered by many sufferers.
1. Kidney enlarges. The enlargement of two kidneys are not at the same speed, but in the later period, two kidneys will occupy the whole space in abdomen, and they are bestrewed with cysts of different sizes. The surface of kidneys will be hard and full of bumps and hollows.
Chinese Medicine Treatment for Enlarged Kidney Due to PKD
2. Pain in renal area. This is a very obvious feeling for most of the sufferers with PKD. The pain is usually dull pain, sometimes the sufferers feel pressed in the kidney area, or they just have abdominal pain. This kind of pain will remit after rest in bed while be aggravated after long-time work or walk. Bleeding and infection in kidneys and kidney stone are all inducements for the pain in renal area.
3. Blood in urine. Nearly half of the patients have microscopic hematuria and in some cases, gross hematuria can also be seen. Hematuria is always accompanied by leucocyturia and proteinuria, but the protein in urine is not too much. When there is infection in kidney, hematuria will become severer, and there will also be loin pain and fever.
What Treatment Available for PKD with Enlarged Kidneys
4. High blood pressure. This is the common manifestation of ADPKD. After the onset of creatinine elevation, about half of the patients will have higher blood pressure. It is because the cysts press kidney tissues so as to activate the system of RAAS (Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone System). Besides, the higher the blood pressure is, the fast the kidney cysts grow, and also the poorer the prognosis will be.
5. Kidney insufficiency. It will invade almost all the sufferers with PKD, but the onset will vary in different cases. Some patients will have kidney insufficiency during adolescence, while others may keep normal kidney function even in their eighties.
6. Polycystic Liver Disease (PLD). Almost half of the sufferers with PKD have PLD as well. However, the cysts in liver grow relatively slower. In addition, cysts can also be found in ovary and pancreas.
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These all the common manifestations in clinic for sufferers with PKD. When some of these symptoms appear, treatment must be inevitable. So they should pay more attention to the daily changes of their feeling to ensure the timely treatment accordingly.


Cautions of Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease

As Polycystic Kidney Disease is a kind of hereditary disease, lots of patients were born with PKD. And the size of the cysts will develop along with the growth of the patients, so, in order to observe the development of cysts and prevent the deterioration of the disease, it is very necessary for the patients to receive formal treatment as early as possible. In addition, patients with PKD have to pay attention to some details in daily life, and this article summarized some cautions of patients with PKD in the hope of helping them.
Cautions for patients with PKDPatients with PKD should conform to the principle of “Three Preventions, Three Controllings and One Regulation”
What Precautions Have I Do Take for Multiple Renal Cortical Cysts
I “Three Preventions”
◆ Prevent From Cold
Although in early stage, patients with PKD seldom suffer from discomforts caused by the cyst, they should never ignore its damage for kidney. Without effective treatment, the damage will be aggravated with each passing day. What’s worse, if the patients were caught by cold, it will make the condition deteriorate and accelerate the progress of kidney lesion.
◆ Prevent From Overwork
The prevention of overwork includes the mental work and manual labor. Mental fatigue will affect the command functions of the brain and then leading to the disorders of Central command system, finally resulting in the damage of various organs. And for the patients with PKD, the damage will particularly present in kidney. Physical fatigue will lead to the increase of toxins in the body. However, kidneys of those patients are not able to excrete the toxins in time, as a result, it will aggravate the renal damage.
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◆ Prevent From Wound
As the size of cysts growing, the intra-cystic pressure will increase accordingly. Once the patients were wound, the shock from outside force will directly threaten the cysts. Due to the combined effects of the force outside and the high intracapsular pressure, the cysts are quietly likely to get ruptured, which will arouse bleeding and infections. If the ruptured cyst is at the surface of kidney, it is extremely easy to result in the occurrence of Hemorrhagic Peritoneal Inflammation. What’s worse, Hemorrhagic Peritoneal Inflammation need to be treated with operation, consequently bringing severe damage to the kidney.
II “Three Controllings”
It refers to the controlling of blood pressure, diet, and the complications.
◆ Hypertension is a common symptom among most patients with PKD, and usually goes before the damage of kidney. Besides, hypertension is also a trigger of the damage of several organs, such as heart, brain, and kidney. therefore,the controlling of hypertension is crucial to the prevention of complications.
◆ Keep a scientific diet is very important for the patients with PKD. They had better conform to the rule: low-salt (2-3g/day), low potassium and potassium, low protein and lipid. Do not ignore the influence of a proper diet, as it has been proved in clinic, a healthy diet really makes a big difference to the treatment of PKD.
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◆ Control the complications in time. Once the complications (such as ruptures of cysts, bleeding, infections, calculus, etc.) attacked, the patients must take measures to control them immediately. But never take medicine without the doctor’s orders, for some medicine will do harm to the kidney.
III “One Regulation” means that the patients with PKD should always keep a positive mood to confront the disease.
Although the occurrence of Polycystic Kidney Disease may seem unavoidable to some patients, with the help of effective treatment, they can enjoy the life just as normal people. Apart from formal treatment, it will be a pleasure that the cautions above can help the patients in their daily life. If you have any questions about PKD, please contact with our consultant on line.


What Is the Reason for Backache with PKD

Many patients with PKD complain that they have serious backache especially in the low back. What are the reasons for the low back pain? Is it a sign for the deterioration of kidney cysts?
As for the PKD, the backache is caused by the enlargement of cysts. When those cysts grow bigger, the size of kidney increases therewith, so the tensile force in renal capsule rises, and then renal pedicle is stretched much, and the neighboring organs are pressed, as a result, pain in renal region occurs.
Back Pain in PKD Reversed with Toxin-Removing Therapy
backache of PKD, kidney cysts, low back painBesides, those cysts contain much fluid so they are very heavy in weight, so when the patient stands upright, the cysts will pull the kidneys downward, leading to the low back pain.
The pain in low back caused by PKD is always dull pain and is located in either one side of the kidney or both sides of kidney. It can influence the whole back and also the upside and inner part of the thighs. If there is bleeding within the cysts or some kinds of secondary infection, the pain will become severer. If the patient also has kidney stones or there is blood clot blocking the urinary tract, the pain may become sharp colic.
In addition, there are other reasons for the pain in the low back.
Which Treatment Can Reverse Back Pain in Kidney Cyst
1. When the cysts are accompanied by infections of urinary system, there will be pain in the renal area.
2. When the cysts grow too rapidly so as to rupture, there will be abscess around the kidneys, causing pain in the loin.
3. Having strenuous exercise, and walking or sitting for a long time will arouse the backache as well.
How to Release Back Pain in Polycystic Kidney Disease
Pain in the low back should not be ignored by every one especially those who have PKD. When you have a backache for rather a long time, do not take pain killers without any instruction from your doctor. If you are suffering from PKD and there is loin pain, you had better have some related examinations to see the exact condition of the cysts. Any problems, feel free to talk with the online consultant, or leave a message to pkdclinic888@hotmail.com.

Clinical Manifestations of Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic Kidney Disease is usually detected when patients grow up. For patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease, their kidneys may keep be normal or somewhat bigger in their early age. Gradually, with the increase of their age, clinical manifestations are more and more obvious. Well then, what are the common clinical manifestations of Polycystic Kidney Disease?
First of all, with numerous cysts, patients’ kidneys usually appear to be swelling. Their kidneys can be larger than normal kidneys for five to six times. Moreover, the two kidneys of one person can be different in size. For patients with not so serious illness condition, they may need CTMRI to diagnose their disease; however, for these whose disease is serious, just palpation is enough.
How to Reverse Protein Urine3+ in Polycystic Kidney Disease
Secondly, dull pain as well as discomfort in belly and back is another clinical manifestation of Polycystic Kidney Disease. This kind of clinical manifestation arises from enlargement of cysts and increased strain to renal diolame. Suddenly aggravated pain can always tell bleeding inside cysts or secondary infection of cysts. Blood clot resulted from cyst bleeding or stone may block ureter, casing renal colic thereby.
Thirdly, hematuria which concludes gross hematuria and microscopic hematuria is one of the clinical manifestations of Polycystic Kidney Disease. The root cause of hematuria is the fracture of blood vessels in cyst wall.
Is Edema Caused by Polycystic Kidney Disease Improvable
Fourthly, proteinuria and leucocyturia can also occur to patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease. For patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease, their protein in urine usually is less than one gram per day. Compared with proteinuria, leucocyturia is more common.
Fifthly, high blood pressure is the early common manifestation and it has direct relationship with the diagnosis of Polycystic Kidney Disease.
Sixthly, renal damage usually is easy to occur to patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease. However, renal failure seldom appears before patients get thirty years old.
For patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease, their disease develops slowly and the clinical complications usually appear after they step into thirty years old. Polycystic Kidney Disease is genetic disease, hence, it almost is impossible for us to prevent their occurrence, but it is possible for us to delay their appearance.
Which Therapy Can Release the Protein Urine in PKD
For more information, please email to pkdclinic888@hotmail.com or consult our consultant online.


Complications of PKD

It is known that Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a genetic disease, and it always arouses various kinds of complications. If the disease condition cannot be controlled well, a serious of pathological changes will occur.
Simple renal cyst may develop into malignancy cyst, but the morbidity is rather low. Actually, if being treated in time, Polycystic Kidney Disease can be controlled under a stable condition. There are many people refuse to have treatment when the cyst is small, and once they are hurt by the pain cause by cysts, they come to hospital and find the cyst already big enough and hard to be treated. So, for simple renal cyst, paying much attention to the disease condition does matter a lot. However, for PKD, with the growing of cysts, functional cells and tissues in kidney will be damaged, so we can say that PKD is much more serious because when the cells are damaged, there will be problems with kidney functions, and if no treatment, finally the disease may deteriorate into ESRD. Renal Failure caused by PKD is very common among those who are undergoing dialysis. And PKD does arouse many complications as follows.Which Treatment can Shrink Cyst 68*50mm in PKD
1. Kidney stone and cyst calcification. For patients with PKD, when they feel painful in low back, especially when the pain become serious, and blood in urine can be seen by the naked eyes, it needs to be considered as kidney stone, and the sufferers had better take some related examinations to make sure the disease condition.
2. Cysts cancerization. It is still disputed whether renal cysts can lead to cancerization, but actually there really some people getting cancerization as an aftermath of renal cysts. When the patients have pain in renal region, regular hematuria, loss of weight, blood coagulation, and abnormal anemia, or the increase of blood cells, cancerization can be one accompanying disease they must pay close attention to. What they need to do is CT scan or some related examinations to detect the condition of cysts.Improve Protein Urine in NS with Natural Treatment
In fact, Polycystic Kidney Disease always arouse many other complications such as Hypertension or anemia, especially when it develops into the stage of renal failure. When the disease condition deteriorates further, renal cysts may bring more pressure to the kidney and kidney functions will be affected greatly. So, patients with renal cysts or PKD cannot ignore the disease because cysts are growing constantly. They need to do regular check and receive treatment in time to prevent the complications in advance. If you have any related questions, please leave a message to pkdclinic888@hotmail.com . .Back Pain in PKD Reversed with Toxin-Removing Therapy


Are You Aware of Those Symptoms of Kidney Failure in Women

Nowadays, not only men, but also women are participating into the group of kidney failure. But as a woman, are you aware of those symptoms of kidney failure in women? May my introductions in the following could be helpful for you.symptoms of kidney failure in women
Fatigue is probably the earliest symptom of kidney failure. But it is easily to be neglected by women because fatigue is mostly attributed to work pressure and work fatigues. And fatigues in renal failure could turn to better if having rests, so this symptom is easily overlooked by career women.
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Due to the reason that the face expression of yellow looking has not too much obvious changes during some periods of time, so women are not easily to perceive any traces of yellow looking. In fact, yellow looking is often caused by renal anemia in patients with renal failure.
Swelling is a visual and obvious symptom of chronic kidney failure. Due to the kidneys are unable to excrete the over much water, so these fluids could build up in the tissue space, at the early time of kidney failure, women may have only edema in eyelids or ankles parts. But when the disease progresses into the whole body or presents as persistent edema, the disease may be in its serious stage.
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Due to the kidneys are damaged in the renal failure, so patients may see a declined urine themselves. Even if the urine is normal, as a result of the toxins contained in the urine decreases, so the urine cannot remove overmuch wastes, that is to say, even if your urine amount is normal, that cannot indicate your renal function has not gotten any problems.
Due to the retention of water-sodium as well as those toxins caused by the declined kidney removal function, so people at the early time of renal failure often have different degree of high blood pressure. Symptoms of nose or gingiva bleeding induced by hypertension should be paid specially attention.
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Besides, other symptoms of kidney failure in women also include skin itchy, urine flavor in mouth, body weight losses, skin gloomy and losing your hair, and so on. From now on, if you can pay attention to these symptoms, you can prevent yourself keep away from any kidney diseases. Wish you be a healthy and beautiful woman!

Live Comfortably with Polycystic Kidney Disease

People who are diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)will be upset due to the difficulty of treating this disease. Many of them had experienced the death of their close relatives who are also diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease. Isn't there any treatment method that can help patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease live comfortably with their family? I hope herbal medicine treatment can help them to live together with their family. What is this kind of herbal medicine treatment?
This kind of herbal medicine treatment is called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
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"Micro-medicine" refers to such an condition that the herbal medicine is powder medicine processed by a series of processes.
"Osmotherapy" refers to one osmosis therapy that used externally. Simply, micro-medicine is permeated into kidney lesion with the help of osmosis device and effective penetrant. Though this therapy is applied externally, it is not a surgery comparing puncture and LRCD.
Herbal medicine refers to one kind of systemic natural medicines, including plants, root, branches and cordyceps and so on.
The Key to Treat Polycystic Kidney Disease:
The key to treat PKD is to control the growth of the cysts in the kidneys. Generally, it is the cyst enlargement that damages the kidneys tissues and then causes kidney impairment or even Kidney Failure.
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Once their cysts shrink, patients are more likely to get rid of kidney damage and Kidney Failure. And then they will live a better life with their family.
After micro-medicine is applied into the cysts, it can help inactive the endothelial cells of the wall of the cysts. Once the endothelial cells are inactivated, the fluid will not be excreted. The cysts will shrink gradually.
Tips for Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease:
Patients who are diagnosed with PKD should make all their family members take a test (CT or B ultrasound)to check up whether there are multiple cysts in their kidneys.
Once they are diagnosed with PKD, they should receive timely treatment. Bear in mind early detection and early treatment.
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After receiving treatment, patients had better take a test again to detect whether the cyst become smaller than before.
I hope all Polycystic Kidney Disease family can have a happy life. I hope they will get soon well.
If you have any question, you are welcome to consult us on website or email pkdclinic888@hotmail.com We will try our best to help you live more comfortably.

You Must Be Wondering the Causes of Renal Anemia with Chronic Renal Failure

Anemia is a severe complication that is seen in more than 80%patients with Chronic Renal Failure. So why this phenomenon happens? What are the relations between anemia and renal kidney failure? Let's find the answer together in the following.anemia in chronic renal failure
What is Anemia?
In clinical, anemia is considered one or several of these substances are decreased: hemoglobin, hematocrit, and red blood cell count. The reduction of these findings in clinical often indicates presence of some illnesses or diseases.
Reverse Anemia in CKD Stage 4 with Toxin-Removing Therapy
Why Renal Anemia Happens in Renal Failure Patients?
Anemia is seen in more than 80% patients with renal failure when their renal function is impaired. Though various kinds of reasons can be responsible for the renal anemia, the primary cause should be blamed for the reduced production of erythropoietin by kidneys.
As you may know, erythropoietin is produced in the peritubular cells of kidneys and it is the main hormone involved in the production of red blood cells. When the erythropoietin level is low in the body, there will be inadequate number of red blood cells, renal anemia thus appears.
Natural Remedies for PKD Patients with Anemia
If renal anemia happens, patients with kidney failure may appear with various kinds of body damages or harms, including cognitive impairment, congestive heart failure, left ventricular hypertrophy, etc. If anemia is left untreated, it may lead to death.
What Are the Treatment for Renal Anemia?
In 1990, the recombinant human erythropoietin was licensed in the U.S and Europe, and it is used for the treatment of anemia in chronic kidney failure, including patients on dialysis or not on dialysis.
CKD Coupled with Severe Chronic Anemia and Diabetes
By now, our hospital has proposed a set of brand new therapy for chronic kidney failure, and our new therapy is aimed at reparation of the harmed kidneys, along with repairing of the damaged kidneys, renal anemia can disappear automatically.


Why do Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease Have Hematuria

It is normal for patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease to find their urine color appears to be red. Red urine which is called hematuria in clinic is one of the dominant symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease. Hematuria refers to the abnormal increase of red cells in urine, then how do these red cells get into patients’ urine?
For patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease, there are mainly two causes for them to have hematuria.
Can a Kidney Cyst Cause Gross Hematuria With No Pain
hematuriaCause one: hematuria arises from poor blood circulation in kidney. Poor circulation in kidney can cause renal ischemia. We know renal ischemia is the root cause of kidney damage. When renal intrinsic cells are damaged, renal filtration function will be impaired and as a result, red cells which should have been prevented from leaking out by glomerular filtration membrane can not be prevented any more. Red cells leaked out get into urine and then urine appears to be red.
Cause two: hematuria can result from fracture of blood vessels. For patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease, due to the enlargement of their cysts, renal tissues and blood vessels around cyst are pressed greatly, leading to the damage of endothelial cells in renal blood capillary. Consequently, with more and more blood capillary are damaged, hematuria appears.
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These are the major processes how red cells get into urine. For patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease, if they want to relieve hematuria, the root solution is to shrink cyst and then repair damaged renal intrinsic cells. We all know there are no effective solutions in western countries; however, in China there is an effective treatment, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, for patients to adopt. What is more, patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease indeed receive satisfactory treatment effects.
Treatment for End Stage PKD, Anemia and Hematuria
Although hematuria is just a symptom of Polycystic Kidney Disease, it also cause aggravation of this disease, therefore, receiving effective treatment timely is the best solution for patients to live full life again.

How to Improve GFR Level Naturally In Kidney Failure Patient

Many patients with kidney failure often have a declined glomerular filtration rate(GFR) in their body,so they are constantly asking how to improve their GFR level naturally, for this question, explanations are given in the following.
First,before we introduce how to improve the GFR level naturally, we should have a general understanding about GFR.
Normal Range of GFR and Filtration Fraction
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GFR, also called glomerular filtration rate, refers the liquid amount filtrated through both kidneys in a certain time. For the adults, the normal GFR level is 125ml/min or so. And here there is another concept-filtration fraction, which means the ration between glomerular filtration rate and kidney blood plasma. Due to the flow amount of kidney plasma is about 660ml/min, so by the calculation, the filtration fraction is about 19%. That is to say, about 1/5 plasma will be filtrated into the capsule through kidneys and forms the original urine.
Both GFR and filtration rate are the two indicators in assessment for kidney function. The original amount produced by an adult every day and night is about 180L, but the final urine excreted every day is just 1-2L. So we can see the original urine should be affected by the kidney tubules and concentrated pipe and finally forms the final urine.
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Why GFR Level Decline in Patients with Kidney Failure?
Then why the glomerular filtration rate will decline? Research has found that the decline of the GFR level is caused by the destruction of one or several types of kidney functional cells. As you may not know, our kidney filtration rate is determined by kidney's four functional cells: glomerular capillary endothelial cells, mesangial cells, epithelial cells and renal tubules' epithelial cells.
So, the decline of GFR level is just caused by one or several of these four functional cells. As for methods on improving the GFR level, our hospital advocated Micro-Chinese Medicine(read How does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Treat Kidney Failure), which is aimed at the reparation of damaged kidney cells and tissues. By our therapies, many patients have witnessed their GFR level increased.
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Relations Among Foamy Urine, Proteinuria and Renal Function Damage

Patients are always confused on the relations for these three things, foamy urine, proteinuria and renal function damage. In order to help patients get a comprehensive understanding about them, i will talk about them in the following.proteinuria and renal function damage
First let's talk about foamy urine. Foamy urine, also called bubbly urine, is a common experience many people may have.Facing the foamy urine, may people begin to doubt whether they have suffered from any diseases. In fact there is no need to worry.
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For most people, it is a really very normal phenomenon to have bubbles or foams in urine. Generally, our urine excreted often has a certain amount of organic substances(e.g, glucose) and inorganic substance(e.g, mineral salt), so the urine's surface tension is a little stronger, and usually, these bubbles are large and they will disappear very soon.
Now let's look back the proteinuria. Proteinuria means the urine has protein,usually the amount of protein in urine is above 150mg/24h. When the amount is over 3.5g/24h, it is called as heavy proteinuria.
In fact, for a healthy person, his or her urine can have certain amounts of protein(less than 150mg per day), and this little bit of protein cannot be detected in the protein qualitative checkups. But when the amount of protein in urine increases, we may detect the protein by the usual urineanalysis, this condition is called proteinuria.
Just as i said before, foamy urine, or bubble urine, does not necessarily mean proteinuria, but in return, proteinuria is usually presented as foamy urine. Under the condition of proteinuria, in the surface of the urine there will be a layer of tiny bubbles in the surface of urine and these small bubbles are not likely to disappear even lasting for a long time.
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As for the relations between foamy urine, proteinuria, and renal function damage, many people become nervous and doubt whether they get some kidney diseases or not when they see their urine has foams, or when they have learnt they get proteinuria, in fact, many reasons could lead to the proteinuria instead of just kidney diseases. Only after many times' checkups and it all shows the negative result, then any kidney diseases can be suspected.


How to Treat Edema (Swelling) in Renal Failure Naturally

Patients with renal often have the symptom of edema (swelling). The edema indicates too much water in your blood, and doctors will point out the risks: the excess water may cause too much burden to your heart and make you short of breath. It is severe condition that should be treated timely. Well then, the question rises among patients: is there natural treatment for edema(swelling) with kidney failure?
First, know the causes of edema(swelling) in kidney failure
As kidney function declines, glomerular filtration area also decreases. However, renal tubular reabsorption of water and sodium doesn’t reduce accordingly. As a result, the patients will experience swelling. On the other hand, as renal capillary permeability increases, large amounts of proteins escape into urine. Proteins are important in preserving blood plasma osmotic pressure. Loss of proteins will of course lower osmotic pressure. So water will run infiltrate into body tissues.
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In others, edema may come as a symptom of combined heart dysfunction. Failing kidneys will produce less EPO-a hormone that promotes production of red blood cells. So patients will develop anemia. It is suggested that anemia, high toxin levels, high blood pressure and low immunity make kidney failure patients at increased risk of heart diseases. Swelling will result from heart-derived problem.
Natural Treatments for edema (swelling) in renal failure patients
1. Control your intake of sodium. Sodium will aggravate water retention and make swelling even severe. Thereby, patients with kidney failure should avoid rich sodium content products, examples include salted products, processed foods, etc.
2. Limit water consumption. The water intake should be 500+urine output the day before. This helps preserve body requirements and not increase the swelling condition.
3. Positive treatment for heart disorder
Treatment for Swelling Feet During Dialysis
Combined heart disorder results from various pathogenic factors. BP and anemia should be monitored with proper medicine prescriptions. Some patients may need dialysis to lower toxin levels. Malnutrition should be corrected by proper dietary supplements.
4. Herbal medicine
The effect of improving kidney function and alleviating systemic complications typically belong to traditional Chinese herbal medicine. Various nutritive and natural substances in herbal medicine can well restore damaged renal intrinsic cells and restore kidney functions through several clinical procedures:
First, activate renal microcirculation and enhance repairing process
Release various elements to expand renal blood vessels, ease renal ischemia and hypoxia, and provide sufficient minerals and microelements for kidneys. The faster blood circulation is, the more likely water will be driven into urine.
Second, block up renal fibrosis.
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Degenerate excellular matrixes (ECM) and immune complexes. Those are harmful substances that are adjoined with renal intrinsic cells. As the kidneys try to get rid of them, a series inflammatory damage will occur and deteriorate pathological injury. Chinese medicine will produce enzymes to degenerate those wasteful substances to block up renal fibrosis.
Third, recover damaged renal intrinsic cells. Chinese medicine will offer a low toxicity condition for the kidneys, and recover damaged kidney cells gradually. The process is a gradual one and needs insistence treatment.


Causes of a High Level of BUN and Creatine

BUN and creatinine are often jointly used to assess the kidney function. Here I will guide you to look at the causes for a high level of BUN and creatinine as well as other issues.
As you may not know, high creatinine and high level of BUN are not only connected with the kidney function, but, they also have relations with the muscle stress and dehydration.
BUN Rising Higher Than Normal Level
As you may know, the urea is the metabolic product of protrein, while creatinine is the product of muscles. Both of them needs to pass out from the kidneys as urine. So when the kidneys are damaged, both of those wastes are not easy to pass out from the body.
Only when the GFR reduces to the 1/2~1/3 of the normal GFR level, then the creatinine and the BUN begin to rise. But the high level of BUN does not necessary means the kidney diseases. Because many reasons could make the BUN elevated. The possible reasons include eating much protein-rich foods, digestive tract bleeding, heart failure, urinary tract obstruction, severe infection, dehydration and shock, heat, etc. All of these factors may induce the temporary or consistent elevation of BUN levels.
Should I Do Dialysis with BUN 36, Creatinine 3.50, GFR 15
Likewise, the level of creatinine also is affected by a lot of reasons, including large amount of intake of meat, taking strenuous exercises, etc. On the contrary, long time state of hungers, pregnancy, or muscle atrophic diseases could make the creatinine level reduce.
So we can see the causes for high levels of creatinine and BUN are various. Only when the doctors take the necessary tests and examinations, the patients can then be given the best approriate treatment. May we can help you.
BUN 249 and Creatinine 6.2: What Treatment Can Help


Symptoms for Stage 4 Kidney Failure Disease

The National Kidney Foundation has set up a guideline for the stages of Chronic Kidney Failure. They divide it into five stages, namely from stage 1 to stage 5. Here we will focus on the symptoms of stage 4 Kidney Failure.
The more higher of the stage number, the more severity for the kidney damage. So stage 1 refers the beginning slight damage of renal function, while stage 5 means the kidney as well as its function have been greatly damaged. Stage 4 presents a number of signs or symptoms in clinical.
Improve GFR 35 in IgA Nephritic with Toxin-Removing Therapy
Decreased GFR
GFR is a measurement of kidney function, and it means the assessment of blood processed by the kidney's filtering units, the glomeruli, each minute. Stage 4 renal failure means the GFR is between 15 to 29 milliliters per minute
At stage 4, patients are easily to appear with such symptoms as swelling, urination changes, fatigues, poor appetite, or even sleeping problems, etc. Here i want to say the two symptoms of them: swelling and urination changes.
 Is GFR 24 Reversible in Nephritic Syndrome
Patients at stage 4 may have the swelling at their lower legs, hands, or face. The possible reason for the edema is due to the kidneys is unable to control its ability to control the amount of the fluids that are in the body. Another reason is the kidneys are unable to keep the protein in the body. In severe cases, some patients may occur with the pulmonary edema, which may cause them in short of breath.
Urinary changes means your urine may be seeming different from your their before state in the color or the amount. At stage 4 kidney disease, your urine may be foamy or become red., or your urine may show the tea or brown color. Besides, a person with stage 4 kidney failure may get into urination frequently at night.
Should I Do Dialysis with BUN 36, Creatinine 3.50, GFR 15
There are the basic symptoms of stage 4 kidney failure disease. If you have one or any of these symptoms right now, pay attention to go and see a doctor or consult us on line.


Live Comfortably with Polycystic Kidney Disease

People who are diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)will be upset due to the difficulty of treating this disease. Many of them had experienced the death of their close relatives who are also diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease. Isn't any treatment method that can help patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease live comfortably with their family? I hope herbal medicine treatment can help them to live together with their family.Live Comfortably with Polycystic Kidney Disease
What Is This Kind of Herbal Medicine Treatment?
This kind of herbal medicine treatment is called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
Is Natural Treatment Available for Creatinine Level 5.3 with Hypertension in PKD
"Micro-medicine" refers to such an condition that the herbal medicine is powder medicine processed by a series of processes.
"Osmotherapy" refers to one osmosis therapy that used externally. Simply, micro-medicine is permeated into kidney lesion with the help of osmosis device and effective penetrant. Though this therapy is applied externally, it is not a surgery comparing puncture and LRCD.
Herbal medicine refers to one kind of systemic natural medicines, including plants, root, branches and cordyceps and so on.
The Key to Treat Polycystic Kidney Disease:
The key to treat PKD is to control the growth of the cysts in the kidneys. Generally, it is the cyst enlargement that damage the kidneys tissues and then causes kidney impairment or even Kidney Failure.
How to Reduce Protein Urine in PKD Stage 4 with Natural Treatment
Once their cysts shrink, patients are more likely to get rid of kidney damage and Kidney Failure. And then they will live a better life with their family.
After micro-medicine is applied into the cysts, it can help inactive the endothelial cells of the wall of the cysts. Once the endothelial cells are inactivated, the fluid will not be excreted. The cysts will shrink gradually.
Tips for Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease:
Patients who are diagnosed with PKD should make all their family members take a test (CT or B ultrasound)to check up whether there are multiple cysts in their kidneys.
Once they are diagnosed with PKD, they should receive timely treatment. Bear in mind early detection and early treatment.
After receiving treatment, patients had better take a test again to detect whether the cyst become smaller than before.
Is Blood Urine Nitrogen 148 Able to Be reduced with Natural Treatment
I hope all Polycystic Kidney Disease family can have a happy life. I hope they will get soon well.
If you have any question, you are welcome to consult us on website or email pkdclinic888@hotmail.com We will try our best to help you live more comfortably.

How Long Can Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease Live

Many patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)wonder how long they can live in this world. It is a really difficult question to answer. We even don't know the life span of average people, let alone the patients. How long can patients with Polycysitc Kidney Disease survive should be based on many factors. Why Do Patients with PKD Always Ask Their Life Span?
How to Reverse Protein Urine 3+ in PKD in Stage 4
There is no doubt that gene problem is one of the most knotty problem in the world. PKD refers to such an genetic kidney disease, characterized by multiple cysts filled with fluid in the kidneys. Due to the fact that there is no specific for the treatment of PKD, many patients, especially those patients in Western countries, have to experience the cyst enlargement, kidney damage, Kidney Failure or even death within some years. Even some of them have to experience the death of their sibling and parents, so they have no sense of security every day. They are always wondering how long can they live and whether they can survive longer.
Direct Acting Factors:
Two main direct factors determine patients' life span: the size of the cysts and the rate of cyst enlargement. If the cysts don't grow big enough to damage the kidneys, patients are more likely to survive longer. If the cysts grow very slowly, patients are more likely not to experience pain or kidney damage.
Indirect Acting Factors:
How to Reverse High Creatinine Level 4.5 in PKD
Two indirect acting factors may determine how long patients can live: effective treatment and prevention of complications (hypertension and infections).
If patients adopt correct treatment to control the growth of the cysts, it is probable for them to survive along with the cysts. Hypertension is one common complication of PKD, which will damage the kidneys. Hence, prevention of hypertension is very important to prolong the life span of patients. Many patients PKD are at risk of infection due to the ruptured cysts. Once infection occurs, patients' disease condition become worsen.
For the direct acting factors, we recommend patients take related tests to detect the growth of the cysts. For the indirect acting factors, patients are recommended to receive herbal medicines treatment. Many patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease have benefited from herbal medicines.
Is Natural Treatment Available for Creatinine Level 5.3 with Hypertension in PKD
Patients can never give up. Maybe gene therapy will be applied on patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease in the near future. What they should do now is receive more effective treatment to control the growth of the cysts rather than worring about how long they can live.
If you have any question about herbal medicines, you are welcome to consult us on website. Or email pkdclinic888@hotmail.com We will try to help you whenever you want.


Clinical Symptoms Telling Progression of Hypertensive Kidney Failure

Chronic high blood pressure can cause gradual damage to the kidneys. If the high blood pressure is poorly controlled, and kidney damage is not timely and properly treated, patients will finally develop into end-stage kidney failure. The clinical symptoms of kidney failure can be divided into three stages, and by telling them, doctors will evaluate the severity of your condition, and offer specific nursing and treatment plans:
1. Symptoms at early stage
Patients don’t present obvious symptoms, but kidney function decline is detectable through clinical tests. Patients at this stage tend to lose the best treatment opportunity as they think “slight symptoms mean slight kidney damage”.
Can Protein Urine 3+ in Hypertensive Nephropathy Get Reversed
2. Middle stage
Metabolic wastes such as urea nitrogen and creatinine begins to rise. An obvious symptom caused by renal tubular damage is nocturia, which means patients urinate frequently at night. Thereby, the total urine output is increased.
Kidneys normally can regulate blood pressure level by secreting renins. For hypertension kidney disease, for one hand, the high blood pressure hastens renal pathological damage; for the other hand, the failing kidneys lose their endocrine function so that high blood pressure will be more and more uncontrollable. Water and sodium retention is another aggravating factor for the constant high blood pressure reading.
Can High Creatinine Level 5.8 in Hypertensive Nephropathy Get Improve with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
3. End-stage symptoms
Kidney condition continues to deteriorate. At this stage, toxin levels in kidneys become higher and higher. Those harmful substances, such as creatinine, urea nitrogen, etc, will affect such vital symptoms as muscle, nerves, digestive tract, brain, skin, etc. This will cause overall clinical symptoms, examples include muscle jerk, muscle weakness, vomiting, nausea, poor appetite, anemia, weight loss, itchy skin, halitosis, convulsions, etc.
The reason why patients can suffer from kidney disease without any symptoms at the beginning is that our kidneys have good compensatory functions. When kidney problem occurs and symptoms arise, we hope patients can attach importance to early treatment and proper nursing measures.
How to Reduce High Creatinine Level 4.5 in Hypertensive Nephropathy
Also, patients should also build up their confidence in fighting against this disease. Experts in this hospital can provide specific nursing plan for you, offer full analysis and hope you can start a new life here with our treatments-stem cell treatment, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and immunotherapy. Seize our hands, and give ourselves the courage. You will never be alone there.

Hyperphosphatemia May Boost Kidney Patients to the Road of Kidney Failure

According to an essay published in the Journal of the American Society Nephrology, Hyperphosphatemia may promote the kidney patients to the road of Kidney Failure more quickly. And worse still, hyperphosphatemia may disturb the kdiney-oriented medicines efficiency.
If the Chronic Kidney Disease patients cannot efficiently remove those body wastes, such as the excessive phosphate in the blood, then, your kidneys could become overloaded.
Can Edema in Chronic Kidney Failure Get Reversed with Natural Treatment
Compared with the sufferers of low-phosphate level patients, high-phosphate level patients are tend to progress more quickly to the severe Renal Insufficiency or Renal Failure.
Besides, the higher phosphate levels in the blood also reduces the some medicines efficiency for the kidney disease. Take the Ramipril as an example, research found that the higher phosphate level in the blood vessels could weaken the efficacy of this medicine.
Hyperphosphatemia is very commonly seen in patients with ESRD and it associates with the hyperparathyroidism and kidney osteodrstrophy. Increasing clinical data also suggest that hypeophosphatemia is connected with the commonly seen cardiovascular mortality rate among dialysis patients.
How to Reverse Stage 4 Kidney Failure and Avoid Dialysis
So we can see the great significance of controlling the high phosphate level in the blood. Measures used for the controlling or preventing the hypeophosphatemia mainly include dietary phosphorus restriction, dialysis, phosphate oral-taken medicines binder.
Among the oral phosphate binders, aluminum hydroxide is an efficient binder. But, the due to the concerns of toxicity, the medicine aluminum hydroxide has been nearly eliminated. Instead, calcium salt is now widely used as an alternative to the aluminum hydroxide.
Which Therapy Can Help Reverse Stage 4 Kidney Failure with Hypertension
Whether for the patients who has already accepted dialysis or not, if they have a high phosphate level in their blood, or if they are diagnosed with Hyperphosphatemia, they all need to take treatment timely. Otherwise, they may progress more fast to the road of Renal Failure or ESRD.


Complications of Polycystic Kidney Disease

The investigation displays that the morbidity of Polycystic Kidney Disease shows an up trend. For patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease, not only their renal function is impaired, some complications may occur to them. Then what are the complications of Polycystic Kidney Disease? ● urinary tract infection. Urinary tract infection, including cystitis, pyelonephritis, infection of cyst and perinephric abscess, is one of the chief complications of Polycystic Kidney Disease. For female, examination in urinary tract is one of the risk factors, because while doing examination, equipments may cause infection in urinary tract.
3cm Renal Cortical Cyst With no Complications: What Do I Do
● renal stone. Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease usually have dull pain in the location of their kidneys, however, if sharp pain, colic pain and gross hematuria appear, then it may indicate that renal stone occurs.
● multiple cysts in other organs. Among patients who are diagnosed with Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease in their middle age, about half of them have Polycystic Liver. Among these who find their disease after sixty, about seventy of them have Polycystic Liver. Generally speaking, Polycystic Liver appears relatively late than Polycystic Kidney Disease about ten years. Moreover, it also is possible for pancreas and ovary to be found have cysts. Apart from these, diverticulum in colon also is easy to appear among patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease.
Complications of Kidney Cyst
● hemangioma in circle of Willis. The incidence of this disease in patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease is ten percent to forty percent. This disease is usually detected after hemangioma fractures. Fracture of hemangioma cause hematencephalon, which will give rise to a series of examination on brain, as a result, hemangioma in circle of Willis is detected.
Complications of Polycystic Kidney Disease can also be life-threatening. For patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease, receiving effective treatment not only helps to control the enlargement of their cysts, but also contributes to the prevention of complications. Therefore, receiving effective treatment is the best choice for them to choose.
Common Complications of Hemodialysis
For more information, please email to pkdclinic888@hotmail.com or consult our consultant online.

Symptoms of Renal Insufficiency Caused By Polycystic Kidney Disease

As is well known, for patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease, their life can not be affected until cyst enlarges to a certain size which usually refers to 3 centimeter. That is to say if patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease leave their cysts uncontrolled, some symptoms of renal insufficiency will appear.
Symptom one: abnormal renal structure. Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease have more than one cyst with different sizes and the number of cyst increases with the progress of this disease.
Reverse Protein Urine 2+ in Membranous Nephropathy with Natural Treatment
Symptom two: proteinuria. About fifteen to thirty patients with normal renal function have proteinuria. However, among patients with renal insufficiency, the incidence of proteinuria reaches up to eighty percent. For patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease, the occurrence of proteinuria usually arises from damages of renal tubules and renal capsule. Most of the time, it has no relationship with glomeruli, so the quantity of protein within twenty four hours is no more than one gram, which can be showed as two plus. Moreover, the proteinuria usually is persistent.
Symptom three: tumid kidneys. With increase of cysts in both number and size, kidneys also enlarge and due to the unbalanced development of two kidneys, some patients may have kidneys with different sizes. Moreover, with the enlargement of kidneys, renal function decreases day by day.
PKD Patients Reverse Creatinine Level 734 to 197 with Natural Treatment
Symptom four: lumps in abdomen. When kidney enlarges to a certain level, about fifty percent to eighty percent of patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease can feel lumps on both sides; and fifteen percent to thirty percent of patients can feel lumps in one side. lumps move while patients breathe. Furthermore, when cysts are associated with infection, pressing pain will appear.
Symptom five: anemia. Before end stage renal failure comes, there usually is no anemia; however, for these who have persistent hematuria, anemia may occur to them. Compared with anemia resulted from other kidney diseases, anemia caused by Polycystic Kidney Disease appears later and it is much mild.
Symptom six: lower back pain. Among patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease, about sixty percent of them have lower back pain. As one of the early symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease, lower back pain usually prompts that patients should receive treatment as soon as possible.
Is Edema Caused by Polycystic Kidney Disease Improvable
For patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease, occurrence of the above several symptoms always indicates that their disease has caused renal damage, and if they do not receive treatment within the shortest time, they will face dialysis and kidney transplant. Therefore, for patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease, they should have a close eye on their disease, so as not to miss the optimal time for treatment.

Symptoms of Renal Insufficiency Caused By Polycystic Kidney Disease

As is well known, for patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease, their life can not be affected until cyst enlarges to a certain size which usually refers to 3 centimeter. That is to say if patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease leave their cysts uncontrolled, some symptoms of renal insufficiency will appear.
Symptom one: abnormal renal structure. Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease have more than one cyst with different sizes and the number of cyst increases with the progress of this disease.
What Can PKD Patients Do With Rashes on Arms
Symptom two: proteinuria. About fifteen to thirty patients with normal renal function have proteinuria. However, among patients with renal insufficiency, the incidence of proteinuria reaches up to eighty percent. For patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease, the occurrence of proteinuria usually arises from damages of renal tubules and renal capsule. Most of the time, it has no relationship with glomeruli, so the quantity of protein within twenty four hours is no more than one gram, which can be showed as two plus. Moreover, the proteinuria usually is persistent.
Symptom three: tumid kidneys. With increase of cysts in both number and size, kidneys also enlarge and due to the unbalanced development of two kidneys, some patients may have kidneys with different sizes. Moreover, with the enlargement of kidneys, renal function decreases day by day.
How Vulnerable Am I to PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease)
Symptom four: lumps in abdomen. When kidney enlarges to a certain level, about fifty percent to eighty percent of patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease can feel lumps on both sides; and fifteen percent to thirty percent of patients can feel lumps in one side. lumps move while patients breathe. Furthermore, when cysts are associated with infection, pressing pain will appear.
Symptom five: anemia. Before end stage renal failure comes, there usually is no anemia; however, for these who have persistent hematuria, anemia may occur to them. Compared with anemia resulted from other kidney diseases, anemia caused by Polycystic Kidney Disease appears later and it is much mild.
Symptom six: lower back pain. Among patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease, about sixty percent of them have lower back pain. As one of the early symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease, lower back pain usually prompts that patients should receive treatment as soon as possible.
What Are the Symptoms of ADPKD
For patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease, occurrence of the above several symptoms always indicates that their disease has caused renal damage, and if they do not receive treatment within the shortest time, they will face dialysis and kidney transplant. Therefore, for patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease, they should have a close eye on their disease, so as not to miss the optimal time for treatment.


The Types of Proteinuria

Proteinuia, protein in urine, is one of the common symptoms of Kidney Diseases. In healthy kidneys, glumeruli and renal tubules can prevent protein leaking from blood. Thus the proteinuria results from the damages of mechanical barrier, charge barrier and intraglomerular mesangium. There are some types of proteinuria.
Glomerular proteinuriaThe Types of Proteinuria
Revese Proteinuria 4+ with Natural Treatment
Filtration membranes have many holes which can effective block protein of the large molecules. What’s more, those membranes carry negative charges, which can reject and prevent the protein with negative charges passing through them. When glomeruli are damaged in primary or secondary diseases, those barriers are too weak to block protein. When renal tubules fail in reabsorb so much protein, protein will occur in urine.
Renal tubular proteinuria
Any Herb Medicine for Kidney Cyst and Proteinuria
If renal tubuleinterstitium is diseased in interstitial nephritis, chronic pyelonephritis and so on, renal tubular epithelial cells will contain less proteolytic enzymes which play an important in reabsorption. Although glomeruli filtrate out the normal amount of protein, the protein can be reabsorbed in renal tubules and released into urine.
Overflow proteinuria
Protein in this kind of proteinuia is usually small molecule, which can pass through glomeruli. When those protein is beyond the ability of reabsorption of renal tubules, protein will be found in urine.
Histic proteinuria
A Homeopathic Remedy for Proteinuria in CKD
In healthy kidneys, some epithelial cells of renal tubules can secrete Tamm-Horsfall protein which does not exist in serum. In necrotic tissues, tumors and virus invading, this kind of protein will increase and occur in urine.
Lymphatic proteinuria
Some diseases will break the lymph-vessels and lymph is released into urine. Besides protein, there are lipid in lymph. With more lipid, the urine is called chyluria, while with little lipid, the urine is called as lymphatic urine. Lymphatic urine usually occurs among parasitosis, especially filariasis Bancroft.
Different proteinuria needs different treatments. So when protein occurs in urine, it is important to make out the reason for it.

Tips for Polycystic Kidney Disease Family

For all diseases, especially those genetic diseases, such as Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), early detection and early treatment are very important for patients. Early detection and early treatment of Polycystic Kidney Disease contribute to the controlling the growth of the cysts, protecting kidneys from being damaged and preventing the occurrence of hypertension. Here are some tips for Polycystic Kidney Disease family.
Some Tips About Diet For Polycystic Kidney Disease Patients
Tip I: If people always feel dull pain in the back, flank or abdomen along with high blood pressure, they should go to see a doctor as soon as possible. Maybe they are experiencing PKD.
Tip II: If one family member is diagnosed with PKD, they had better persuade the rest members to take related tests to diagnose whether they are also patients. If so, they are recommended to receive treatment right away.
Besides, those who have no children and are planing to have a baby are recommended to consider this tissue seriously. Due to the fact that if one parent are suffering from PKD, the rate of suffering from this disease of his child is about 50%. If the parents have this disease, the rate is about 75%.
Tips About Diet For Polycystic Kidney Disease
Tip III: Once they are diagnosed with PKD, they should make the cysts controlled. There are mainly three methods that can be used to make the cysts controlled.
LRCD (Laparoscopic Renal Cyst Decorbicatiou) and puncture is thought to be two kinds of surgeries. The common function of both of them is to manage the big cysts, which means that they cannot deal with the smaller ones and recessive ones. And once the big ones are dealt with, the smaller ones will grow subsequently. One common side effect of them may be infection.
Another treatment method is herbal medicines treatment, including two types: traditional herbal medicines treatment and externally used herbal medicines treatment (Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy) . With the help of herbal medicines, the cysts can shrink gradually. Once the cysts shrink and are not big enough to damage the kidneys, patients are more likely to live more comfortably.
Both of them are not surgeries and the biggest difference of them is that the former is used orally and the latter is applied externally without side effects on patients.
In conclusion, Polycystic Kidney Disease family should pay attention to these things. Once they are diagnosed as Polycystic Kidney Disease patients, they should receive timely treatment.
Healthy Tips for Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease
Any question, feel free to consult us. Or email pkdclinic888@hotmail.com We will try our best to help you.


How to Treat Protein Out of the Urine

Protein in urine is an abnormal state of your urine presented by the high amount of protein found in your urine. In healthy persons, low levels of protein in urine are normal. So many of patients are concerned on how to treat protein from the urine.uriine protein
Many people are found out that their urine has protein when they undergo an urinalysis in a hospital, They just do not know why their urine could have protein!
How to Reverse Protein Urine 3+ in Membranous Nephropathy
Before we determine the type of treatment for protein in urine, it is important to make a diagnosis on the underlying causes for urine protein. Generally, urine protein is attributed to such factors or reasons: 1.Infection; 2 Kidney disease; 3. Diabetes; 4.High blood pressure; 5.Other reasons, including exposure to heat or cold, fever, certain drugs, pregnancy, intense activities, etc.
After diagnosis for the specific reasons, the according treatment plan will be formulated for the patients. If protein in urine is induced by the 6th reason mentioned above, generally after the current state, such as medication factor, intensive activities, is alleviated or eased, urine protein would automatically disappear or remit.
Reverse Protein Urine 2+ in Nephritic Syndrome with Natural Treatment
If urine protein is attributed to other diseases, for example, kidney disease, Diabetes, or high blood pressure, then this kind of type is usually more serious. Immunotherapy used in our hospital is a newest therapy applied into the kidney disease patients. The emphasis of this therapy is to focus on the reparation of the damaged kidneys as well as improve patients' immunity. For the remaining other reasons, according treatments can be conducted specially.

Renal Anemia-a Dangerous Signal in Chronic Kidney Failure(CRF)

Anemia is common in patients with chronic kidney failure. Healthy kidneys can produce a kind of hormone called erythropoietin (EPO), which can stimulate the bone morrow to produce enough red blood cells needed by human body. Diseased kidneys can not make sufficient EPO so that red blood cell production is reduced, thus giving rise to anemia. Other causes of anemia include blood loss, low levels of iron and folic acid. It is suggested that anemia is a dangerous signal for kidney failure patients, as it may increase risk factors and greatly affect long-term survival rate.
Natural Remedies for PKD Patients with Anemia
What are the risks of renal anemia? Anemia refers to low levels of red blood cells. Red blood cells can carry oxygen to various body tissues and organs and enable them to use the energy from the food. Without oxygen, vital body organs, such as brain and the heart, can not perform their function as they should. Clinical researches that anemia is an independent contributing factor for combined left ventricular hypertrophy, heart failure and increased mortality from cardiovascular diseases in CRF. For chronic kidney failure patients on maintenance, anemia and increased HOV are also important risk factors for the occurrence of angina.
Clinically, anemia begins when patients with chronic kidney failure have 20 to 50 percent kidney function remaining. Patients can find themselves have pale face and get tired easily. There are two conventional treatment options for renal anemia: first one being injecting a genetically engineered form of erythropoietin or EPO; second one is blood transfusion, which is less operated than the former one.
CKD Coupled with Severe Chronic Anemia and Diabetes
Actually, both of the two methods are symptom-targeted. That is, they help to improve anemia, but don’t help kidney endocrine functions. With renal damage progressing, anemia state will worsen gradually, and patients will find themselves very week, even lose the ability of taking care of themselves. Considering high potential risks of cardiovascular diseases and high mortality caused by anemia, patients with chronic kidney failure need the following treatments:
1. Check your blood EPO and red blood cell level, and adopt EPO injection prescribed by your doctors after analysis of your specific condition
2. Treat damaged kidney cells. Anemia is mainly related to damaged kidney endocrine function, so fundamental treatment should be based on repairing injured renal intrinsic cells. Patients with chronic kidney failure experience gradual loss of functioning nephrons. If patients take proper and effective treatment at early time, scarred kidney cells can be repaired and renal fibrosis can e blocked, thus gradually recovering from renal anemia and avoiding progression into end-stage kidney failure.
How to Treat Stage 4 Kidney Disease With Anemia
A dangerous signal as renal anemia is, patients with CRF should not neglect it and choose right treatment at early time. Anything unclear, you may consult online experts for free or email us directly.


Cyst on Kidney with Blood in Urine

Cyst on kidney can cause microscopic or gross blood in urine. Patients may experience severe back pains, combined infections, high fever and sudden kidney deterioration. Then what is your reason? How to get rid of all this sufferings?
How do we define a cyst on kidney? A cyst is a fluid-filled sac that can occur on any layer of the kidneys, renal cortex, renal medulla, renal parenchyma, etc. An important aspect about a cyst is, the cystic lining cells will secrete liquid continuously to make kidneys swell up gradually. If a cyst develops on kidney surface, it can do less harm to the kidneys, but will may lead to increased kidney size much earlier. If a cyst develops in deep kidney next to bladder, urinary tract obstructions and combined kidney stones will more likely to happen. In other cases, a cyst in dense renal tissues and functioning kidney cells will more easily cause loss of nephrons and decrease kidney functions.
Why Is There A Lot of Blood In Urine for Dialysis Patients
Why blood in urine with kidney cysts? There are many arteries surrounding cyst walls. Some inducing factors, such as strenuous exercise, traumas, can over stretch cystic blood vessels thus leading to cyst rupturing bleeding. Combined infections may likely occur. Patients often complain of severe waist pains, kidney colic, high fever etc. In this case, Patients will complain of severe waist pains, kidney colic, high fever, etc. What makes doctors worried is that the infection can accelerate inflammation to necrosis and loss of functioning nephrons thus resulting in kidney function decline. So the following treatments are recommended:
1. Stay in bed so as to avoid any further oppression to the cysts
2. Do bacteria cultivation test and apply antibiotics to stop kidney inflammatory injury
Natural Remedies to Treat Blood in Urine
3. Avoid any stimulating factors, such as cigarettes, alcohol, spicy foods, etc
4. Shrink cyst and restore kidney functions-Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
The above three points help to stabilize the general condition and relive sufferings. But that’s not enough. The cyst will continue to grow and cause hazards such as high creatinine, proteinuria, hypertension, renal insufficiency, etc. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is adopted to achieve therapeutic effects: first, accelerating blood circulation, softening cyst walls and absorbing liquid in the cysts so as to reduce the cyst little by little; second, block up renal fibrosis by dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation and degeneration, and provide nutrients in repairing the kidneys.
Back Pain and Blood in Urine for Renal Cyst
Patients will find systemic improvements after treatment: more sweats, urine blood disappearing, waist pain remitting, BP under control, kidney function improving, etc. Thereby, we attach great importance in treating cyst on kidney with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

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