
Does Swelling Means Chronic Kidney Disease

Nowadays, many people are not familiar with symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease. Once swelling appears, they will ascribe the causes to their kidneys and use diuretic. Actually, not all the swelling are caused by Chronic Kidney Disease. Blindly use of diuretic not only does harm to the recovery of their diseases, but also causes disorder of water and electrolyte; sometimes, it even can decrease our real function. According to the causes, swelling(Swelling and Kidney Disease) can be divided into the following several types.
Ⅰ. Swelling caused by kidney disease
As for kidney disease, due to the decrease of blood flow in kidneys, sodium and water accumulate in the body, leading to swelling. Moreover, increased capillary permeability and decreased plasma colloid infiltrative pressure can also cause retention of body fluid in tissue space and thus cause swelling. Usually, for patients with kidney disease, swelling first appears in face, eyelid and then lower limbs. Moreover, swelling caused by kidney disease is often accompanied by oliguria, nocturnal enuresis and diuresis and so on.
Ⅱ. Swelling arrives from heart trouble
Owing to the occurrence of right heart failure, venous blood can not flow back to ventriculus sinister smoothly, causing increase of blood pressure in vena. For patients with heart diseases, swelling(Swelling and Kidney Disease) usually appear in ankle and then the whole body.
Ⅲ . Swelling results from liver disease
Because of the structure damage of liver, portal static pressure increases, causing swelling. Meanwhile, this kind of swelling is also related with malnutrition and lower plasma albumin caused by liver failure. In addition, this kind of welling usually starts with ankle and then spread upward. However, it seldom spread to upper limbs and head.
Ⅳ. Swelling caused by malnutrition
Malnutrition can also give rise to swelling. When our body can not get sufficient nutrient swubstances, plasma albumin will decrease and thus caused swelling. For this kind of swelling, it usually first appear in lower limbs and then spread upward.
Ⅴ. Segmental swelling in lower limbs
This swelling mostly arises from the blocking of lymphatic and vein in legs. This kind of swelling generally does not spread.

Swelling in lower limbs is just one of the types of swelling. However, once swelling appears in our legs, we should do examination to find out whether the swelling arise from kidney disease.

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