
Serious Misunderstanding about Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic Kidney Disease is an intractable disease and many patients with Chronic Kidney Disease usually put all their hopes on Chinese medicines. However, due to the misunderstanding of them to Chronic Kidney Disease, they can not receive satisfactory treatment effects.
Misunderstanding one: Chronic Kidney Disease is renal deficiency.
Some people regard Chronic Kidney Disease as renal deficiency, and then adopt the wrong treatment. This misunderstanding results from both doctors and patients. Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease usually have some symptoms of  renal deficiency, coupled with long course of getting this disease, so they always think they have renal deficiency. Some doctors are affected by traditional medical ideas, so they misunderstand Chronic Kidney Disease as renal deficiency. Actually, Chronic Kidney Disease differs from renal deficiency. Chronic Kidney Disease means progressive loss of renal function over a period of months or years and its occurrence usually is related with infection and cold.
Misunderstanding two: Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease should ingest protein as much as possible.
One of the clinical manifestations of Chronic Kidney Disease is persistent proteinuria(Proteinuria and Kidney Disease). The great loss of protein through urine usually leads to hypoproteinemia. As for this problem, modern medical scientists suggest patients to ingest foods which contain high quality protein, so as to supplement protein for their body. Affected by this idea, patients with Chronic Kidney Disease misunderstand it as the more, the better, so they ingest too much protein, which burdens their kidneys greatly. As patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, they should limit the intake of protein and arrange a reasonable diet for themselves, so as to recover quickly.
Misunderstanding three: Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease should stay in bed and avoid doing any exercises.
When patients with Chronic Kidney Disease go to see doctor, they usually get such suggestions: you should have a good rest and try to avoid exercises. Therefore, many patients with Chronic Kidney Disease just stay in bed at home and they do nothing everyday. In fact, staying in bed all the time is harmful to blood circulation. Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease should do some mild exercises every day, which is helpful for their recover.

Misunderstanding of patients to Chronic Kidney Disease can affect their treatment effects, so patients with Chronic Kidney Disease should correct their view quickly, so as to have a right understanding about Chronic Kidney Disease.

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