
Don't Make Stage 1 or 2 of Chronic Kidney Disease Worsen into End Stage

Chronic Kidney Disease(ckd) have five stages:
GFR≥90%, stage1;
60%≤GFR≤89%, stage2;
30%≤GFR≤59%, stage3;
15%≤GFR≤29%, stage4;
GFR≤15%, stage5. The above classification method is the most standard one in the world.
In stage1 and stage 2 of Chronic Kidney Disease, there are no obvious symptoms, so if patients don’t take regular tests like urine routine test, it is difficult to find these stages of kidney disease. Because when the damage of kidneys is up to more than 60%, there will be obvious symptoms like high creatinine, fatigue, edema, poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, anemia, high blood pressure, and so on. If patients are with chronic nephritis, maybe they have Proteinuria, hematuria, and edema. If people have urine protein, they should take seriously of it and don’t leave it alone. Most patients with kidney disease delay the proper treatment thinking it not serious without obvious symptoms. If you have protein in urine or white blood cells, and hematuria, you should care whether you have chronic nephritis. If you have, take timely treatment to avoid worse disease.

For common people, we should take regular tests like urine routine test, and that can help us find problems earlier and get timely treatment. We should take much water per day, and that can clear wastes and toxins out of body completely. For patients with stage 1 or 2 chronic kidney disease, it is not very necessary to limit diet and water intake. Excessive diet limit make cause malnutrition. Taking timely treatment is first thing to do. If patients have amounts of urine protein, they should take much high quality protein but not plant protein like bean and bean products. The foods containing high quality protein include milk, egg white, lean meat, fish, chicken, and so on. This kind of protein is much easier to be absorbed by human body. The protein intake per day should depend on patients’ specific disease condition. If you want to know the specific amount of diet for yourself, you can send mail to me.

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