
Significance of Serum Creatinine to Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease

Serum creatinine is the test which is most commonly used to detect renal function. The reference value of creatinine is 40-130 mg/dl and it is valid for both male and femaleThe concentration change of creatinine depends on glomerular filtration ability, so serum creatinine has special meaning for patients with Chronic Kidney Disease.
Creatinine is a kind of metabolin produced by muscle. In human body, most of the creatinine is excreted through glomeruli. For healthy people, glomeruli can help to filter out excessive water and waste products, including creatinine (High Creatinine Levels). Glomerulus is one of the major tissues and they have powerful ability of filtration. That is why kidney can help us to excrete waste products. For patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, due to renal damage, their glomeruli can not play filtration function smoothly. As a result, excessive water and some other substances such as creatinine, electrolyte, as well as some toxic substances accumulate in their body. Therefore, when patients with Chronic Kidney Disease have a test about renal function, the value of their serum creatinine is usually higher than that of healthy people.
Some people always think that their kidneys are healthy, once they know their serum creatinine(High Creatinine Levels) is kept in the normal range. Actually, they are wrong. Serum creatinine value can not reflect the condition of renal function timely. Usually, when renal function decreases a little, serum creatinine value can still be kept in the reference range. Only when glomerular filtration rate decrease to lower than fifty percent of the normal range, can serum creatinine increase obviously. Therefore, normal serum creatinine value is not equal to healthy renal function. Ability of renal metabolism is very powerful, so people with mild renal damage can not feel any discomfort. When people have symptoms such as nausea, vomit(Nausea and Vomiting for Kidney Disease), and dizziness, in fact, their kidneys have been damaged greatly.

Increased creatinine can be caused through different approaches. For example, overstrain and bad rest also can cause increase of increatinine. Therefore, according to occasionally increase of creatinine, people can not be diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease.

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