
Nephrotic syndrome eating hormone can eat traditional Chinese medicine

[Kidney disease] Hello doctor will want to consult any problems, you can say something, to help you analyze.
[Kidney patients] nephrotic syndrome eating hormone while eat traditional Chinese medicine. Hello! I would like to ask what is under hormonal drugs? I eat what medicine?
[Kidney disease doctor you now what happens? Hormones are anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic product, such as prednisone, dexamethasone (Buddha mimatsu) are all hormones, long-term use may lead to dependency, so that the body fat. Produce osteoporosis , inhibit the growth and development of children.
[Kidney patients with nephrotic syndrome
Nephropathy doctors urine protein occult blood a few numbers, some eat and some can not eat
The [kidney patients urinary protein
[Kidney disease doctors what age? Urine protein urine by acidifying heating opacity detected. Normal daily urinary excretion of protein is generally 40 to 80 mg up to 150 mg, known as physiological proteinuria. Generally normal human urine proteinuria containing protein amount up to 150 mg over 150 mg / day, that belongs to the abnormal proteinuria. [Kidney patients urine protein, no occult blood, 25
Get this disease nephropathy doctors how long? Nephropathy occult blood is kidney inflammation reaction, kidney inherent cells damaged, the glomerular filtration barrier is damaged, increased permeability of the glomerular blood cells leak to clinical urine occult blood in urine.
Kidney patients for more than a year
Nephropathy doctors] renal comprehensive disease combining Chinese and Western
[Kidney patients eat together?, Or separately to eat
[Nephropathy doctors] you are using hormone it?
[Kidney patients] my ears rang, accompanied by headache
[The nephrotic doctors] occult blood fundamental reasons because impaired renal intrinsic cells, the glomerular filtration barrier is damaged, blocked macromolecules blood erythrocyte leakage due to a reduced ability. Therefore, to treat urinary occult blood, the most fundamental is to repair damaged glomerular filtration barrier convalescent filtration function.

What are the symptoms of children with nephrotic syndrome in children will be

In children with nephrotic syndrome in children, what the symptoms? Salient features of children with nephrotic syndrome are highly swollen. Children of the lower limbs, head, face, torso can be swollen, especially the more obvious parts of loose tissue, such as the eyelids, the boy's scrotum was swollen like light bulbs, as well as visceral serous cavity effusion, pleural effusion and ascites.
Children with nephrotic syndrome in children, what the symptoms? Edema serious skin thin and translucent, the skin slightly damage would seepage. Edema affecting blood circulation, reduce local resistance, and prone to infection. Nephrotic syndrome urine contains a lot of protein, urinary protein up to 24-hour urinary protein excretion increased urine routine examination. Blood laboratory tests can be found in the serum albumin decreased, so that the normal white globulin ratio of 1 to 1.5 to 0.5, a ratio inversion occurs, plasma cholesterol
White stripes or purple patterns in children with nephrotic syndrome in children, what the symptoms? Some sick children in the thigh and medial upper arm, abdomen and chest and pregnant women similar skin, decreased urine output.
Performance of protein malnutrition can occur due to long-term urinary loss of protein, dry hair yellow dwarf, follicular keratosis, dry skin, the white stripes (toe), growth retardation, anemia and susceptible. Some sick children with hematuria and hypertension.
Longer course of nephrotic syndrome, vulnerable to repeated attacks. The greatest danger is secondary infection, such as skin erysipelas, intestinal infections, pneumonia, primary peritonitis and sepsis, etc., and any secondary infection can cause death. The treatment of many diseases, treatment is no longer confined to the treatment of Western medicine, began to turn their attention to the Chinese medical practitioners.

How to not relapse nephrotic syndrome in children

How can children with nephrotic syndrome recurrence? My son is 3 years and a half, protein 2.51 for 24 hours a few days ago, diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome, now go to the Beijing Children's Hospital for treatment, I would like to ask indicators recovery is not to taking medicine now, after a few years of treatment of this disease are not able to completely cure no recurrence? children can exercise? nephrotic syndrome in children how to not relapse? nephrotic syndrome four major symptoms: a lot of proteinuria, hypoproteinemia edema and high blood cholesterol, more easily in repeated as the treatment of problems. A major focus of the crowd is the industry of children with nephrotic syndrome. According to the situation you describe, your son's condition is more common in children with nephrotic syndrome. First, be sure that children with nephrotic syndrome in children can have a good prognosis, determine the outcome of the process, you said it right, selection of traditional Chinese medicine, Western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, Western medicine is very important, the treatment is not the root of the problem is key.
Many children with nephrotic syndrome children with parents are very anxious, understandable, whose patience has a limit. "Treatment - experienced remission - relapse - treatment - remission - relapse - again treatment - mitigation - recurrence "physical and psychological suffering, the people's confidence will always be combat to. But this disease not urgent, in order not to relapse, you must adhere to.
How can children with nephrotic syndrome does not recur? Must be close coordination between doctors, patients, their families, you have enough patience and confidence, to treat reasonable, adherence to treatment, your son will certainly have a healthy body and a better future .

Nephrotic syndrome can not be cured ah?

Patients with nephrotic syndrome can not be cured? Nephrotic syndrome can cure this problem, is subject to many factors.
On the one hand is the type of the disease itself, and the other hand, patients with the extent of treatment.
Patients with nephrotic syndrome can not be cured? Many patients are used in the treatment of kidney disease, hormone treatment, the role of hormone therapy in symptomatic eliminate protein, but prolonged hormone therapy will produce a lot of side effects, and great to be hormone dependent. This point is that the patient must pay attention to. Repair kidney damage cells in the treatment of nephrotic syndrome must fundamentally prevent protein leakage.
Nephrotic syndrome is not a single disease, it is a large class of disease (ie, the "syndrome"), the pathological diagnosis of "minimal change" prognosis best focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and mesangial capillary glomerulonephritis worst prognosis. Minimal change from 90% to 95% of the children is the first application of hormone therapy, but 85% may have recurrence. Recurrence is more common in the first year than later. If a children 3 to 4 years no recurrence after 95% chance of recurrence.Development of minimal change to the less uremia, the vast majority died of infection or hormones, immunosuppressants serious side effects. Nephrotic syndrome is not genetic, patients with no recurrence of the disease within two years, and has been discontinued, so can be considered children, but must be conducted under the prescription.
Patients with nephrotic syndrome can not be cured ah? Nephrotic syndrome "third by treatment, seven by the care of chronic disease, if the patient does not attach importance to the accepted norms of scientific treatment not worry too much about the fear of the side effects of the hormone, superstition" remedies, ancestral drug "does not comply with doctor's orders to take medicine, referral, do not pay attention to proper diet and daily care, the recurrence of the disease easier to more difficult to cure! treatment must repair treatment for kidney damage cells, prevent disease repeated relapse.

Children with nephrotic syndrome caused harm

A group of children with nephrotic syndrome caused great harm, often clinically massive proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, edema, hyperlipidemia its clinical features syndrome.
Why is there these symptoms? Human body is a complex organism, its various symptoms are interrelated and influence each other. Decline in body resistance of patients, and the in vivo immunomodulatory huge changes, culminating in a series of symptoms.
Specific harm caused by the children with nephrotic syndrome:
Immunoglobulin reduce low immunity, prone to cause infection;
Long-term hypoproteinemia can lead to malnutrition, growth retardation in children;
3 drug-binding protein to reduce the potential impact the efficacy of certain drugs;
Hyperlipidemia increased blood viscosity, promote thrombosis, thromboembolic complications occurred, and will also increase the cardiovascular complications
5. Endocrine-binding protein deficiency can induce endocrine disorders
Metal binding protein-losing trace elements (iron, copper, zinc, etc.) can be caused by lack of.

How should the treatment of chronic nephritis

How to treat chronic nephritis? Chronic nephritis is an extremely long duration of the disease, the treatment needs of the long process. Symptoms of chronic nephritis treatment, but also against the symptoms were treated. General treatment commonly used to most of the hormone and immunosuppressant treatment, some patients using Chinese medicine treatment. Attention for the symptoms, treatment.
So, how should the treatment of chronic nephritis? Following simple to do to explain the different symptoms:
General treatment: patients need treatment at the same time to ensure good physical spirit and mentality. If the patient's blood pressure drops relieve urinary abnormalities, patients can regular walking, gradually increasing the activities of some mild, but not a sudden increase in the volume of activities.
2 treatment of edema: mild edema, nephritis patients without treatment, salt restriction, and the rest can disappear. Patients with significant edema generally intermittent application, available drug treatment is better than continuous application.
3 anti-infection: patients in the case of infection focus give enough anti-infection treatment, no infection focus, do not generally properly.


Pain Medications to Treat Kidney Stones

Over-the-counter pain relievers (e.g., aspirin, Tylenol® , Advil®) usually are not effective by themselves for the more severe pain caused by kidney stones. However, you can try a combination of Aleve® , Advil®, or Motrin® plus Tylenol® for milder pain. Talk to your physician about what dosages of these medications is safe for you to take.
Oral opiod analgesics, such as acetaminophen/codeine (Tylenol with Codeine®), propoxyphene HCL (Darvon®), hydrocodone/acetaminophen (Vicodin®) and oxycodone/acetaminophen (Percocet®) may be prescribed to minimize moderate pain associated with stones. Note: In November 2010, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) removed Darvon for the market in the United States and urged doctors to stop prescribing this medication.
Injectable medications such as morphine sulfate (Duramorph PF®), hydromorphone (Dilaudid®), and ketorolac HCL (Toradol®) may be administered intravenously (IV) or intramuscularly (by injection) for severe pain. There is a risk for dependency with oral narcotic analgesics used for more than 3–4 weeks at a time and a small risk for accidental overdose if injectable medications are given directly into a vein.

Side effects of these medications include the following:
Slowed breathing (respiration)
Nausea and vomiting can be reduced using medications such as prochlorperazine edisylate (Compazine®), promethazine HCL (Phenergan®), and metoclopramide HCL (Reglan®).

Help kidney stone patient pain

1. Drink a lemon juice and olive oil mixture. The high acidity of lemon juice aids in breaking down the crystal aggregations while the olive oil soothes and lubricates your urethral passages, making the passing of your kidney stones pain free
2  Drink plenty of water. Increasing your water intake helps soften existing kidney stones while preventing new stones from forming. Your kidneys will be able to make more urine to help pass your kidney stones painless. Drink one to two liters of water every day.
3  Eat fruits that contain high amounts of citrates. Citrates stops calcium from accumulating in your kidneys while preventing kidney stones from increasing in size. Fruits rich in citrates include oranges, grapes, apricots, tomatoes and bananas.
4. Consume apple cider vinegar. The acidity of apple cider vinegar helps disintegrate your kidney stones enabling them to pass painlessly through your urine. Drink 4 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar every day, preferably 30 minutes before meals.

Oznaki i objawy kamicy nerkowej

Ataki kamienie nerkowe są bardzo bolesne i trudne do zniesienia do samodzielnego diagnozowania, chyba że wiesz co objawy szukać. Oto niektóre objawy ucisku kamieni nerkowych.
Każdy, kto kiedykolwiek miał nieszczęście znosić atak kamieni nerkowych powie dokładnie, jak bolesne warunek ten może być. W rzeczywistości, ból jest najczęściej w porównaniu z naturalnym wyrzutów porodu. To nie jest przesada i myślenie życzeniowe. Do kłucia i strzelanie bóle towarzyszące poważny atak kamieni nerkowych może przynieść Ci dosłownie na kolana, nie mogąc nawet kierowania się do właściwej opieki medycznej. Chociaż głównym przeciwbólowych takich jak Demerol można zrobić cuda do natychmiastowego dyskomfortu, ofiarą ataku kamieni nerkowych nadal musi zmierzyć dni leczenia dożylnego płynów oraz możliwa interwencja chirurgiczna, zanim się znaczną ulgę. Trwałe zmiany w diecie i stylu życia jest często wymagane, a pacjent nadal stoi szansę kilku reoccurances ciągu życia. Zapobieganie jest prawdziwym kluczem do uniknięcia poważnych ataków kamicy nerkowej, ale dziedziczność i płci są zazwyczaj działa przeciwko tym, którzy mają predyspozycje do chorób nerek.
Więc jakie są znaki ostrzegawcze i objawy ataku kamieni nerkowych? Trudno być specyficzny, ponieważ mogą wystąpić jakąkolwiek kombinację pewnych ogólnych objawów. Niektóre osoby cierpiące na kamienie nerkowe mogą odczuwać tępy, nieokreślonych ból w dolnej części pleców, na dzień, podczas gdy inni są nagle sparaliżowana przez bóle bardzo ostre. Te objawy i znaki ostrzegawcze są przeznaczone do ogólnego popularny przewodnik do samodzielnego diagnozowania ewentualnego ataku kamieni nerkowych, a nie zastępować właściwego medycznej. Jeśli czujesz ból, które nieubłagany i silny, szukać opieki u lekarza jak najszybciej. Nie czekaj do rzeczywisty atak zaczyna-prosty w gabinecie badanie moczu może zazwyczaj zdiagnozować stan kamieni nerkowych długo przed rzeczywistym atakiem.
Oto najczęstsze objawy i znaki ostrzegawcze na atak kamieni nerkowych:
1. Historia choroby i płci. Mimo że kobiety są tak samo narażone na problemy z nerkami, większość osób cierpiących na kamienie nerkowe to mężczyźni. Niektórzy badacze uważają, że w rodzinie problemy z nerkami mogą znacząco zwiększyć własne szanse rozwoju kamieni nerkowych. Sprawdź dowolny znany wywiad lekarski, który wskazuje predyspozycje do kamicy nerkowej. Uprzedzony może forearmed. Jeśli wiesz, że ataki kamieni nerkowych uruchamiane w rodzinie, że używasz dobrych środków zapobiegawczych, takich jak zwiększenie nie cukrem, bez kofeiny płynów i unikanie nadmiernego spożycia mleka, szczególnie w nocy. Nigdy świadomie pracować swoje ciało w stan poważnego odwodnienia, które mogą wystąpić, jeśli pracują długie godziny w pracy, lub wymagający fizycznie spędzać zbyt dużo czasu w upale. Zawsze wziąć dużo przerw wodnych podczas pracy w godzinach nadliczbowych. Ci, którzy są podatni na ataki kamieni nerkowych nie powinna być daleko od dwóch rzeczy-dobre zaopatrzenie w wodę i łazienka. Wstrzymywanie moczu przez dłuższy czas będzie działać przeciwko tobie w dłuższej perspektywie.
2. Tępy ból 'toothachy' pochodzący z dolnej części pleców lub miednicy. To może być Twoja pierwsza wskazówka, że ​​coś poważnego się rozwija.
Poziom bólu może być ciągły, lub może się i przejść w fale. To rzadko znika całkowicie. Możesz wziąć tabletki przeciwbólowe lub dwa, oczekując bólu rozproszyć. Po kilku godzin lub nawet dni, ból najprawdopodobniej wzrost stopnia i być bardziej zdecydowany w swojej lokalizacji. Niektóre ofiary czują zdecydowaną napięcia w okolicy nerek, tak jakby ich mocz próbował ominąć zablokowania. Można nawet poczuć "squirting" uczucie wewnętrznie, jak płyny spróbować ominąć blokady. Nawet jeśli ból jest znośny, to nigdy nie należy pozostawić niezaznaczone.
3. Gorączka, dezorientacja, ogólne "blahs". Wraz z tym tępy ból w dolnej części pleców, wiele ofiar doświadczenie ogólne poczucie dezorientacji i zmęczenia. Możesz czuć się gorączkowe lub schłodzone. Twój proces myślowy może stać cloudier, a Twój poziom energii znacząco niższa. Rzeczywista gorączka mogą lub nie mogą być obecne, ale nadal występują te same nudności i wycieńczenie można skojarzyć z poważnego przeziębienia lub bug żołądka. Chód staje się coraz trudniejsze, a ból sprawia codzienne zadania prawie niemożliwe. Mogą wystąpić problemy z dotarciem nad głową, lub wychodzenie z wygiętego pozycji.
4. Objawy krew w moczu. Jeśli możesz, przestrzegać wszelkich wydzielanie moczu w tym czasie niedoli. Możesz być w stanie zobaczyć rzeczywiste ślady krwi w moczu lub moczu może sam być niezwykły kolor.
Jeśli mocz jest głęboki pomarańczowy kolor, które są najczęściej odwodniona. Krew w moczu jest powodem do niepokoju. W połączeniu, ciemne zabarwienie moczu wiąże się z ostrymi bólami w regionie nerek powinna być czerwona flaga dla Ciebie, aby szukać pomocy natychmiast. Dla mniej poważnych objawów, należy znacznie zwiększyć spożycie wody i / lub sokiem żurawinowym. Umów się na wizytę do lekarza, a jeśli to nie złagodzić drobne objawy i nadal nietypowe wydzieliny moczu.
5. Ostry, ból kłucia skoncentrowane na jednym boku z dolnej części pleców. Jeśli zaczynasz czuć nagłe i ciężkie bóle, które czują się jakby brzuch był rozcięty od wewnątrz, które są najczęściej w rzutach o pełnowymiarową ataku kamieni nerkowych. Jeśli twój poziom bólu wcześniej unosił się wokół 5 lub 6, prawdopodobnie przejść do 9 lub 10 w pośpiechu. Będziemy chcieli, nie wymagają natychmiastowej pomocy medycznej w tym momencie. Jeśli nie jesteś już siedzi w gabinecie lekarskim lub w izbie przyjęć, dostać do jednego natychmiast. To jest najgorsze dla większości ofiar kamienie nerkowe, a nawet bardziej bolesne niż ewentualnym odejściem kamienia sama. Bez korzystania z leków przeciwbólowe, takie jak Demerol, poczujesz ból promieniujący stała i pochodzący z dolnej części pleców i dążeniu do brzucha. Wiele ofiar podwoi się z bólu, lub znaleźć bardzo nietypowe pozycje, które ułatwią ich dyskomfort. Niektórzy uważają, że na podłodze jest przydatne, lub siedząc do góry nogami na krześle. Po otrzymaniu przeciwbólowego, jednak objawy stają się dużo łatwiejsze.
Więc czego można oczekiwać od przebiegu leczenia? Twój pierwszy dzień w szpitalu będzie wypełniona badania moczu i ewentualnych rentgenowskie. Badanie moczu potwierdzi obecność krwi, które wskazują na możliwość zablokowania nerek. Promieni rentgenowskich będzie wskazać lokalizację kamieni i ich względną wielkość. Więcej niż prawdopodobne, zostanie podany dożylnie płyny w celu przywrócenia poziomu nawodnienia, a Twoja dieta będzie ograniczona do nie-mlecznych pokarmów i płynów nie zawierających kofeinę. Po dniu lub dwóch bedrest i płynów, lekarz zaleci kilka kierunków działań, w zależności od indywidualnych wyników badań. Wiele kamieni nerkowych eliminuje Oczywiście po kilku dniach wzrostu spożycie płynów. Pacjent zwykle odczuwa natychmiastową ulgę, jak kamienie, zwykle wielkość nasion pomidorów, przechodzą przez układ moczowy. Inni nie są tak szczęśliwi. Lekarz może zalecić stosowanie sonicznej "kruszenia" urządzenia, które podmuch kamienie do opanowania sztuki. Zabieg ten może zostawić Ci uczucie, jakbyś był w walce nagród lub dwa, ale jest stosunkowo mało inwazyjna. Ostatnia opcja może być operacja, w których wprowadza się przez cewnik do cewki moczowej, a właściwie sidła Hak i usuwa blokady fizycznie. To jest tak samo uciążliwe i ekscytujące, jak to brzmi. Rzadko na otwarto wymaga fizycznie wyodrębnić kamienie przez niewielkie nacięcie.
Jeśli wszystko pójdzie dobrze, powinieneś wrócić do normy w ciągu tygodnia w czasie. Lekarz doradzi, nie pić nadmiernej ilości napojów zawierających cukier lub kofeinę, i ograniczyć spożycie wapnia w nocy. Musisz pamiętać, aby wziąć więcej wody częste przerwy w pracy, i unikać wysiłku, który mógłby promować odwodnienie. Kiedy już miał jeden kamień doświadczenie nerek uruchomić znaczną szansę posiadania kilku więcej w swoim życiu. Musisz trzymać się z lekarzem religijnie, jeśli nie chcą powtórki z pierwszego ataku kamieni nerkowych.

How to relief the Pain of Kidney Stones

Kidney Stones is common disease.
Anyone who has ever had the misfortune of enduring a kidney stone attack will tell you exactly how painful this condition can be. In fact, the pain is most often compared with the pangs of natural childbirth. This is no exaggeration or wishful thinking. The stabbing and shooting pains that accompany a major kidney stone attack can bring you literally to your knees, unable to even drive yourself to proper medical attention. While major pain-killers such as Demerol can do wonders for the immediate discomfort, a victim of a kidney stone attack must still face days of intravenous fluid treatments and possible surgical intervention before getting substantial relief. A permanent change in diet and lifestyle is often required, and the patient still faces the chance of several reoccurances over a lifetime. Prevention is the true key to avoiding serious kidney stone attacks, but heredity and gender are usually working against those who have a predisposition to kidney disease
1 Drink marshmallow root tea three to four times a day to help soothe the inflammation of the urinary tract and reduce pain as your body is passing kidney stones. While marshmallow root is a great home treatment, you should avoid other herbal teas, as they contain tannins which can actually constrict the lining of the intestine and urinary tract temporarily, aggravating the problem.
2 Take a long, brisk walk to help ease the pain and pass the kidney stones more quickly. Walking stimulates the urinary tract and helps gravity to do it's job, moving the stones further and further down your body until they can be passed.

3 Eat as much watermelon as you can possible handle, as it offers a sweet source of water, helps to cleanse the urinary system and contains potassium salts which stimulate urination.

4 Make sure that you drink at least 2 quarts of water each day to help your body move the stones through your urinary tract. In addition to water, you can drink up to 1 quart of aloe vera juice daily as the stones are passing to help reduce the size and in turn, ease the pain.
5 Place a vibrating back massager over your kidneys for 10 minutes five to six times a day to help loosen and break up stones. Always hold the massager gently against the skin, as heavy pressure on the kidneys can cause pain and aggravate the delicate urinary system.
6 speak to your doctor about soft tissue muscle relaxants if your home remedies are not working. While prescription medication should always be a last resort, taking muscle relaxers for a few days may be just what you need to ease the pain and continue with your daily routine.

BacK pian in kidney disease our body.

Back pain is a common complaint, particularly as people get older. While this can often be chalked up to muscle injury or stress, persistent lower back pain or flank pain can be a symptom of serious kidney disease. The quality of the pain is often an important clue to different types of kidney disease. It is important not to self-diagnose and to get to a doctor if back pain is persistent.
Types of Pain And Symptoms
Flank pain can be sudden and stabbing, or dull and achy. It can remain localized in one spot or seem to move to different regions on your lower back and sides.
This pain can also be accompanied by other symptoms, such as frequent and painful urination, fever, nausea, and fatigue.
Be prepared to carefully define the problem for your doctor because the type of pain and the presence of additional symptoms are important clues to diagnosis.
Sharp Pain
Kidney or urethral stones are one of the most common causes of flank pain, according to Medline Plus. This pain is often very sharp and acute. It is so severe that drug addicts often claim a history of stones when attempting to get drugs from medical providers . The pain itself may migrate as the stone works its way through the ureters, becoming more and more painful the further the stone is from the bladder.
Other than pain, passing of stones can be uneventful. However, chronic obstructions can cause irreversible damage. It is important to contact a doctor whenever you experience this type of pain.
Dull Pain
Dull pain is more often associated with moderately advanced chronic kidney disease. Such diseases include diabetic nephropathy, IgA nephropathy, FSGS, renal dysplasia, or any of the many diseases that cause scarring of the tiny kidney filters called glomeruli.
According to the National Kidney Foundation , although flank pain is uncommon in the early stages, it often appears in later stages of disease. The exact cause of this pain is unknown.
Dull, achey pain can also be associated with urinary tract infections or UTIs. The urinary tract includes the bladder, the ureters and the kidneys. If the infection is localized in the kidneys, the infection is called pyelonephritis. This requires prompt treatment to prevent permanent kidney damage.
Other symptoms that are common to UTIs are painful urination, fever and nausea.
Back pain can also be indicative of kidney tumors. According to Anton J. Bueschen, author of the chapter on flank pain appearing in the volume "Clinical Methods", pain "is not the most common presenting symptom, and when pain is present, it often is associated with other symptoms." Usually this type of pain accompanies advanced tumors.


Medullary sponge kidney

Medullary sponge kidney (MSK) is a birth defect of the tubules-tiny tubes inside the kidneys. In a normal kidney, urine flows through these tubules as it is being formed. In MSK, tiny sacs called cysts form in the medulla-the inner part of the kidney-creating a sponge-like appearance. The cysts keep urine from flowing freely through the tubules.
The name medullary sponge kidney is misleading because the affected kidney does not resemble a sponge. The names tubular ectasia and cystic dilatation of the collecting ducts have been suggested as alternatives; however, medullary sponge kidney is the most commonly used name for this disorder.
Complications associated with medullary sponge kidney include the following (see Presentation, Workup, Treatmen t, and Medication):
Renal stones
Urinary tract infection (UTI)
Distal renal tubular acidosis (RTA; type 1 RTA)
Renal insufficiency (rarely)
MSK is a birth defect featured with dilation of a collection duct. The dilation is caused by occlusion by uric acid during fetal life or results from tubular obstruction due to calcium oxalate calculi secondary to infantile hypercalciuria.
MSK is usually associated with a good prognosis. However, Renal Insufficiency can account for 10% cases among people with the disorder.
Renal Failure rarely occurs. But in rare cases, it may occur due to repeated pyelonephritis and or urinary tract infection. Therefore, controlling infection is very important to prevent kidney damage.

What are the symptoms of horseshoe kidney?

A horseshoe kidney is a relatively common developmental anomaly.Horseshoe kidney is not a common type of kidney diseases.The association of horseshoe kidney with left inferior vena cava is rare
In approximately 13 per cent of the cases it causes recurrent problems, such as urinary tract infections and kidney stones.
Approximately 33 per cent have hydronephrosis, which is a dilation of one or both kidneys resulting from obstruction to the flow of urine.
What are the symptoms of horseshoe kidney?
While each child may experience symptoms differently, the most common symptoms of horseshoe kidney include:
urinary tract infection - usually uncommon in children under 5 years and unlikely in boys at any age.
kidney stones - if the stones remain in the kidney, your child may have no symptoms. If the stones pass through her urinary tract, she could experience the following symptoms:
flank (around the side, just above the waist) pain
nausea and/or vomiting
blood in urine
changes in urinary frequency
cloudy urine
hydronephrosis - occurs when there is a urinary tract obstruction and the kidney(s) become enlarged and potentially damaged. Symptoms of hydronephrosis may include the following:
abdominal mass
poor weight gain
decreased urination
urinary tract infection
About one-third of children with horseshoe kidney have no symptoms.

horseshoe kidney in children

The horseshoe kidney is the most common type of renal fusion anomaly. It consists of two distinct functioning kidneys on each side of the midline, connected at the lower poles by an isthmus of functioning renal parenchyma or fibrous tissue that crosses the midline of the body.
Horseshoe kidney occurs in 1 per 400-800 live births. The true incidence probably lies somewhere between these two extremes. Horseshoe kidney is twice as common in males as in females. No genetic determinant is known, although it has been reported in identical twins and in siblings within the same family.
The complications are as follows:
Kidney stone can be seen in children with horseshoe kidney. If the stones remain in the kidneys, the children usually do not have symptoms. However, if the stones pass through the urinary tract, the children will have the following symptoms:
Fever and chills
Cloudy urine
Increased urination
Flank pain
Blood in urine
Nausea and vomiting
Cloudy urine
Kidney structure abnormality can affect the excretion of urine from body, leading to urinary tract obstruction. It can enlarge kidneys and damage kidneys gradually. If hydronephrosis occurs, the following symptoms will occur:
Urinary tract infection
Decreased urine output
Body weight again due to retention of fluids
Abdominal mass
Urinary tract infection is commonly seen, but is usually uncommon in children under the 5 years. This condition is more common in girls than boys. Without control, it may affect kidneys directly to cause serious kidney infection.
In fact, about one-third of children with horseshoe kidney do not develop symptoms or complications. If the symptoms and complications can be controlled well, the patients can avoid developing renal failure.


IgA nephritis is caused by what?

(A) causes
The cause is not very clear, with a variety of factors. Most scholars believe that this disease is to contain IgA circulating immune complexes deposited in the kidney and disease. Complex antigen may be infected with respiratory or gastrointestinal mucosa viruses, bacteria, or food ingredients.
(B) in the pathogenesis
. Pathogenesis of renal tissue of IgA, C3, and (or) IgA, IgG deposition, IgA nephropathy is an immune complex glomerulonephritis, the incidence of IgA immune disorders are closely related, the present study has depth to IgA molecular structure level.
(1) the structure and characteristics of immunoglobulin A: IgA is an important immune globulin, accounting for 15.2% of the total serum immunoglobulin, 80% of serum IgA in the form of the monomer four chain monomer The inter-connected by disulfide bonds and the stability of the J chain. By α heavy chain different antigenic IgA is divided into two serotypes, i.e., IgA1 and IgA2.
IgA1 is the main subtype in the serum, accounting for 80% ~ 90%, IgA2, only 10% to 20%. IgA1 hinge region is 1 times longer than IgA2 IgA2 can be divided into the the IgA2m (1) and the IgA2m (2), although the concentration in serum IgA2 only IgA1 1/4, but the secretion of fluid equal to the 1gA2 concentration IgA1. Structure IgA2m (1) alpha chain and light chain disulfide bonds, connected to rely on non-covalent bonds, but between the light chain and α chain disulfide bonds connected.
Another form of IgA called secretory IgA (SIgA) exist in the outer secretions, such as saliva, tears, intestinal secretions and colostrum. Secretory IgA and serotype different, it is a dimeric molecule with a J chain, and the other outer secretory component (SC), composition (IgA) 2-J-SC complexes. Serotype is (IgA) 2-J composition.
J chain consists of 137 amino acids, molecular weight of 1500, is an acidic glycoprotein containing 8 cysteine ​​residues, six with intra-chain disulfide bond formation, and the two with the connection of the α chain. 18 additional amino acid residues of the C-terminus of the known α chain, J chain is connected through the first two cysteine ​​residues with an α-chain with the C-terminus of the α chain. Both of which are produced by plasma cells, and secretion would be connected together.
SC is synthesized by the epithelial cells in the mucosal tissue or endocrine body, connected through one of the two monomer IgA disulfide colleagues SIgA, SC is from 549 to 558 amino acids of the polypeptide chain, a molecular weight of about 7 Wan, glycosyl content of up to 20%. 5 homologous region in its polypeptide chain, each of the homologous region from the 104,114 amino acids, these homologous regions in the three-dimensional structure similar to and Ig. It has been known that is connected to the α-chain in the Fc region, but the precise positioning is not yet clear. The SIgA configuration may add up to the Y-shaped arrangement: ① a heap; ② The end of the end of the arrangement, the two IgA Fc α connected double Y-shaped structure.
Local tissue plasmacytomas (IgA) 2-J through the: ① with epithelial cell surface of the substrate side of the SC combination formed IgA-J-SC, and transferred to the top surface of a vesicle and secreted; ② (IgA) 2-J lymphatic vessels into the blood circulation, SC combined with the surface of the liver cells and clear, then turn to enter the biliary vesicle mechanism of liver cells, and eventually into the intestines.
The serum IgA terminal connected to each other may be formed to open at the end of polymer, and an obvious feature is a poly body size heterogeneity, the serum IgA 20% of polymer present in the form, and the sedimentation coefficient of 10s 13s, 15s ranging addition IgA Ease of a tendency to form a complex with other proteins, which are vulnerable due to the α-chain of the amino acid residues in the formation of intermolecular disulfide bonds. IgA molecular structure of these characteristics is important in IgA nephropathy.
(2) IgA deposition in the mesangial area: IgA nephropathy, IgA deposition and glomerular pathological changes parallel. Associated with mesangial proliferative mesangial IgA deposition, deposition on the capillary accompanied by changes of the vascular endothelial.
IgA deposition caused by pathological factors: ① antigen from the mucous membrane into the body and stimulate IgA immune system, the antigen component of a wide range of microorganisms, Food (ovalbumin, bovine serum albumin, casein), etc.. ② IgA immune response abnormalities lead to high molecular weight poly-IgA formation. (3) antigen-binding poly-IgA by electrostatic (λ chain), receptor (Fear) or connected to the fiber to protein binding and deposition in the kidneys, it has been found that the serum IgA-fibronectin complex is characterized IgA nephropathy. ④ Other IgA clearance mechanisms (such as liver) damage or saturation.
Existing studies show that the deposition in the glomeruli of the IgA IgA nephropathy is mainly poly λ-IgA1, the average IgA nephropathy patients, serum IgA1, poly-IgA, λ-IgA1 water visible increased. B cells in patients with reduced end link of galactose, β-1, 3 galactosyl transferase (β-1, 3GT) defects, resulting in O-glycosylation of IgA1 hinge region, this change may affect IgA1 and oligonucleotide on the sialic acid in the liver cell receptor (ASGPR) binding affect the clearance of IgA, but also increase the combined deposition and kidney tissue.
Harpel by in situ hybridization study found that of IgA nephropathy intestinal mucosa express an essential component of the synthesis of poly-IgA J chain mRNA levels decreased, while the bone marrow is increased. In addition tonsil PIgA1 also increased. The due production of tonsil PIgA is far lower than the mucosa and bone marrow, it is deposited in the kidney tissue PIgAl mainly derived from bone marrow rather than tonsils and mucosal.
(3) IgA nephropathy immune abnormalities: IgA nephropathy humoral and cellular immune extensive research shows that patients with IgA nephropathy immune abnormalities, including:
① autoantibodies: Fornesier, has been found in the serum of kidney patients the cytoplasmic macromolecules ingredients mesangial cells in the antibody. In addition to antibodies against the basement membrane Ⅰ, Ⅱ type III collagen fibers laminin, Gliadin ingredients. IgA anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (IgA-ANCA) is also found in the blood of some patients. IgA nephropathy received renal allograft re-appear in the transplanted kidney the IgA nephropathy pathological changes by as much as 40% to 50%, these data are autoantibodies play an important role in the pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy.
② cellular immunity: studies have shown that the cellular immune function disorders are IgA nephropathy play an important role in the pathogenesis. IgA specific inhibition of the decline in the activity of T cells resulting in B lymphocytes increased synthesis of IgA. T helper cell (Th) of activity in IgA nephropathy increased activity of Th / Ts increased. IgA specific receptor of T cells referred to as a the Tα cell, Talpha cells increase the role of IgA production. It was found that IgA nephropathy, especially for patients with gross hematuria Tα increased significantly, Tα helper cells resulted in significantly increased IgA synthesis increased.
③ cell factor and inflammation of the media: many cytokines involved in the regulation of the immune system, including lymphokines White mediated hormone (interleukin, of IL), tumor necrosis factor, a polypeptide growth factor, these cytokines for the exercise of normal immune function from the important role in the abnormal circumstances will cause the offset of the cytokine network, thereby generating immune injury. Mesangial cell proliferation, cytokine and inflammatory mediators (complement components MAC, IL-1, MCP-1, reactive oxygen species, etc.) play an important role.
④ immune genetic: there are family members has suffering from IgA nephropathy reported, suggesting that genetic factors important role in IgA nephropathy. IgA nephropathy associated HLA antigen sites also reports vary, Europe and the United States Bw35, Japan and China DR4 common, also reported in northern China Han DRWl2 most common, in addition to B12, DR1 and IL-RN.2 bit gene, ACED / D genotype reported.
These sediments have diagnostic value. I, III, type IV collagen and laminin, fibronectin in IgA nephropathy glomerular capillary loop expression increased significantly, I type III collagen expression in mesangial area also increased significantly, the majority of patients with tubular basement IV also increased the expression of collagen type.
And accompanied by large lumpy electron dense deposits.

IgA nephropathy IgAN

IgA nephropathy (IgA nephropathy IgAN) Also known as Berger disease glomerular mesangial IgA or IgA deposition with or not associated with other immunoglobulin deposition in the mesangial area of ​​primary glomerular disease clinical manifestations: recurrent episodes of gross hematuria or microscopic hematuria may be associated with varying degrees of proteinuria in some patients severe hypertension or renal insufficiency. Classification of Diseases Primary IgA nephropathy: common disease caused by the kidney itself Secondary IgA nephropathy: caused by diseases other than kidney: of purpura nephritis HIV infection seronegative spondyloarthritis tumor leprosy liver disease familial IgA nephropathy [] Causes The exact pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy is not yet entirely clear that a variety of factors and the incidence of views about the relatively consistent IgAN glomerular disease caused by the case of immune complexes Relationship with the immune system: IgA nephropathy in multimeric IgA (PIgA) show that in the glomerular deposition of IgA immune system leads to the deposition of the circulatory system of the PIgA molecules and mesangial area Relationship with the bone marrow: glomerular mesangial deposits of IgA and present in the blood of IgA similar hinge region glycosylation abnormalities suggest that patients with IgA nephropathy IgA deposition in glomerular mesangial area of ​​bone marrow-derived IgA Relationship with cytokines: patients with IgA nephropathy mesangial area of ​​IgA deposition caused mesangial cells secrete inflammatory cytokines [] [] Pathophysiological The IgA nephropathy iconic pathological changes in IgA deposition in glomerular mesangial area in most patients with concomitant CIgG IgM deposition LEE classification: Level I: glomerular lesions: the vast majority of normal occasional mild mesangial widening (segments) with or without cell proliferation; the tubulointerstitial changed: normal Grade Ⅱ: glomerular lesions: glomerular focal mesangial proliferation and sclerosis (%) rare small crescent; tubulointerstitial change: Grade Ⅲ: glomerular lesions: diffuse mesangial proliferation and widened (occasionally focal stage) and occasionally small crescent balloon adhesions; the tubulointerstitial changes to: Board Zaojian interstitial edema occasionally the cell infiltration rare tubular atrophy Ⅳ: glomerular lesions: severe diffuse mesangial proliferation accompanied by hardening of some or all of glomerulosclerosis visible crescent (<%); tubulointerstitial change: tubular atrophy, interstitial infiltration occasionally interstitial foam cells Ⅴ grade: glomerular lesions: lesions similar Ⅳ level, but more serious visible crescent (%); tubulointerstitial change: similar Ⅳ grade but more serious


Hormone therapy of children with nephrotic syndrome need to consider carefully

Children with nephrotic syndrome, hormone therapy need to be careful. Children with nephrotic syndrome primary to the more common lesions and increased permeability of the glomerular basement membrane. The clinical is often expressed as proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipidemia, high degree of edema three high and one low symptoms. The most important treatment to hormone therapy, prednisone, and other commonly used drugs.
People treat nephrotic syndrome, fully aware of the dangers of hormone induced by a variety of infections, general Do not use hormone therapy. Nephrotic syndrome patients before the laboratory tests nephropathy, taken to exclude lupus kidney disease, hepatitis B associated glomerulonephritis secondary nephropathy, active use of antimicrobial drugs to control the original infection focus, practice chest X-ray film, do tuberculin test, control and cure latent infection, and then be given hormone treatment.
Children with nephrotic syndrome need to consider carefully hormone therapy, hormonal medication during regular follow-up chest X-ray to check blood, urine; Once the infection should prompt use of antibiotics to control infection, in order to promote early remission and cure nephrotic syndrome.
The hormone is indeed the most effective way to treat nephrotic syndrome, but the application of the hormone is undeniable that the cause of nephrotic syndrome in children vulnerable to infection, thus affecting its efficacy. The rare infections including: acute upper respiratory tract infection, pneumonia, skin infections, sties, conjunctivitis, gingivitis, ulcers, or the occurrence of intestinal, biliary tract and urinary tract infection. Some can cause the resurgence and spread of tuberculosis. Addition, it is also easy to induce chickenpox, mumps, lymphadenitis and appendicitis and other diseases. Hormone side effects should not be underestimated, but also have a certain impact on the growth and development of children, and therefore need to consider carefully hormone treatment of children with nephrotic syndrome.

Children with nephrotic syndrome treatment commonly used drugs introduced

Children with nephrotic syndrome is a serious harm to the health of children diseases. For the treatment of children with nephrotic syndrome, involves the use of many drugs, following treatment of children with nephrotic syndrome commonly used drugs for everyone.
Children with nephrotic syndrome treatment commonly used drugs:
1. The Tripterygium 1 to 1.5mg / (kg · d) orally 3 times for kidney periods of each type.
2. Nephritis edema piece every time two, 2 to 3 times a day, the cold dampness spleen card suitable for renal disease.
3 of Niaoduqing particles each time 9g, 2 to 3 times a day for nephropathy in renal insufficiency uremia.
Nourishing the liver and kidney pills each time 3g, 3 times a day for a recovery period of liver and kidney nephropathy card.
5. Qiangshen piece 0.3g per piece, each 2 to 3, 3 times a day for yin and yang deficiency of kidney qi, not astringent edema.
In addition to the above commonly used drugs in children with nephrotic syndrome treatment, the following recommended several Pianfangyanfang for everyone, we want to help:
1. Astragalus 30 ~ 60g, Motherwort 15 ~ 30g, of Rhizoma Imperatae 30 ~~ 60g, jujube 10, decoction, one day, fractional service for nephropathy spleen and blood stasis, hot and humid.
Corn 60g, decoction, times service for nephrotic edema, proteinuria, hyperlipidemia.
Health Astragalus the Shi Wei 15g, Corn the Rhizoma Imperatae the 30g, Salvia 9g. Shuijianbi.

Children find out how to treat nephrotic syndrome

Children find out how to cure nephrotic syndrome? Adrenal corticosteroids for the treatment of children with nephrotic syndrome, better effect, commonly used in formulations as prednisone, dexamethasone. Available prednisone 1 to 2 mg / kg / day.
Diseases of children, parents should have the confidence to cooperate closely with the doctor, lasting uninterrupted treatment. Regular treatment in children should be done under the guidance of a doctor, longer course of treatment, do not easily stop. Treatment of nephrotic syndrome require large doses of assault treatment takes about a month or so, the patient can be alleviated BZX urine protein disappeared. To alleviate the side effects of hormone brought remission under the guidance of a doctor less drug treatment, until the final withdrawal.
Children find out how to cure nephrotic syndrome? Obesity medication will round fat face, body hirsutism and other side effects, and can disappear after drug withdrawal.
Such as the simple use of hormone therapy, the effect is not obvious, switch or combination of immunosuppressive agents such as cyclophosphamide, pay attention to changes in blood leukocytes during take this medication, and may have hair loss and other side effects. Edema severe cases, temporary diuretic, such as hydrochlorothiazide in urine thiophene, etc..
Because the hormone can suppress the body's immune system, so that patients with severe secondary infection can also cause high blood pressure and Cushing syndrome. Concurrent infection treatment available, such as penicillin or erythromycin. After a period of hospitalization in children, the condition is stable, you can go home cultivation.

Parsing concurrent symptoms of nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is a stubborn illness, the basic characteristics of high proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, edema and hyperlipidemia, difficult to treat, and great harm. At the same time, the nephrotic syndrome is often associated with many concurrent symptoms. Concurrent symptoms of nephrotic syndrome today detailed analysis for everyone, we want to help.
Parsing concurrent symptoms of nephrotic syndrome:
1 infection: mainly for pneumococcal pneumonia and peritonitis or sepsis. Due to the protein malnutrition · IgG level is low and complement protein component of low levels of leukocyte function decline, low ferritin and low zinc hyperlipidemia can lead to reduced immune function.
2 renal tubular dysfunction: because the massive proteinuria ultimately caused proximal tubular dysfunction. Showed renal Boring urine, urinary amino acids and proximal renal tubular acidosis.
Renal injury: the original glomerular diseases induced filtration rate decreased, renal arteriosclerosis, so the decline in glomerular filtration capacity.
4. Precipitating cardiovascular disease: long-term hyperlipidemia, especially plasma LDL concentrations, can trigger the hardening of the coronary arteries.
Thrombosis: antithrombotic factor, and serotonin original activity decreased ability to increase platelet aggregation, blood viscosity makes blood hypercoagulable state.

Nephrotic syndrome diet

Whether patients with nephrotic syndrome can be recovered, in addition to whether the active treatment, there is a very important point is that diet is not scientific and rational. Scientific and reasonable diet is particularly important for the rehabilitation of patients with nephrotic syndrome, many patients are poorly understood, but what to eat in the end. Nephrotic syndrome diet introduction gave you today, and hope that through our introduction, allow kidney patients to understand.
Nephrotic syndrome diet:
Food: rice, millet, glutinous rice, corn, flour;
2, a small amount of fruit: apples, pears, peaches, red dates;
3, a small amount of lean pork, beef, chicken, duck, fish, day and night are not more than twelve (twelve / 24h), in patients with severe inedible;
4, a small amount of salt, the daily total does not exceed 3g small amount of monosodium glutamate (no more than 1g of salt per day in children).
5, oil: canola oil, sesame oil and a small amount of soybean oil, peanut oil, cooking oil;
Vegetables: melon, cucumber, tomato, lotus root, cabbage, radishes, cabbage, red amaranth, mushroom, white fungus, mushroom, pumpkin, snake gourd, sponge gourd,

The child had nephrotic syndrome should be how to care

The child had nephrotic syndrome should be how care? Difficult to cure children with nephrotic syndrome, harm is great. In order to achieve good results in the treatment, in addition to the active drug treatment, must also help children develop good habits, and more help for the rehabilitation of the child.
The child had nephrotic syndrome, how should I care? Common childhood nephrotic syndrome nursing considerations:
Children with nephrotic syndrome in children in stable condition, still need medication. Children with nephrotic syndrome in children are generally required to take the diuretic hormone medicines, children increased urine output, so parents must be with the teachers communicate better, to give them more help.
Children with nephrotic syndrome in children will be a substantial drain protein, and thus lead to protein deficiency phenomenon often occurs in vivo, it is to supplement the diet should be. The daily diet should contain adequate amounts of protein, such as fish, lean meat, poultry, soy products and so on. In addition, you should limit the intake of salt, a day is generally not more than two grams.
3 children with nephrotic syndrome in children with long-term use of hormones, which would lead to decreased immunity, easy concurrent respiratory tract infection, it should strictly limit the amount of children with nephrotic syndrome, children's activities, avoid strenuous exercise.
The child had nephrotic syndrome should be how to care for your introduction here, wished the children a speedy recovery.

Nephrotic syndrome should be diagnosed how

Nephrotic syndrome should be diagnosed how? Timely discovery of nephrotic syndrome, early treatment, it is particularly important to check the understanding of the means and measures for nephrotic syndrome. Well, nephrotic syndrome diagnosis should pay attention to what? Diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome, how can it?
Nephrotic syndrome should be how to check the diagnosis? Check when diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome, the following points are very important:
Diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome should be specific history, search with or without latent causes as much as possible to find out the primary etiology.
Diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome should pay attention to the patient's age and gender, to pay attention to the young female patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. 7-10 years old, children and young people will have to pay attention to is allergic purpura, middle-aged patients to pay attention to exclude diabetic nephropathy, multiple myeloma, nodular artery go far.
(5) also renal biopsy diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome
(3) the diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome should pay attention to laboratory tests, patients with systemic disease manifestations, should be targeted for the appropriate checks.
(2) the diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome should also be noted renal manifestations of systemic disease, and not only pay attention to force entirely focused on the performance of kidney disease.

Advantages and disadvantages of the treatment of nephrotic syndrome

Treatment of nephrotic syndrome has been the problem of the medical profession. Nephrotic syndrome mainly massive proteinuria, edema, hyperlipidemia, hypoalbuminemia four symptoms With deepening of nephrotic syndrome, the treatment of nephrotic syndrome also in various fields continue to study Chinese medicine and Western medicine treatment are more common. That Which better? Below do the advantages and disadvantages of the treatment of nephrotic syndrome contrast, from which we can get some information to help you choose the right treatment.
Using traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of nephrotic syndrome: Select Chinese medicine treatment or acupuncture and other auxiliary treatment.
Lee: side effects, and can be treated fundamentally, is particularly suitable for hormone-insensitive crowd.
Disadvantages: treatment time is too long, slow to bear fruit, the complexity of the treatment process, resulting in treatment is not in place and prone to relapse.
Western medicine treatment of nephrotic syndrome: mainly taking hormones, immunosuppressant drugs such treatment.
Lee: rely on hormones, immunosuppressants to clear a variety of illnesses, quick.
Disadvantages: You can not eliminate the root cause side effects, often recurrent phenomenon.

Nephrotic syndrome is not a serious disease?

Nephrotic syndrome is not a serious disease? Widely nephrotic syndrome is an intractable disease, lingering course of the disease, the pathological changes are complex, easily recurrence of the disease, so clinical treatment is very difficult.
Nephrotic syndrome is not a serious disease? Nephrotic syndrome generally hyperlipidemia, proteinuria, and a high degree of edema and hypoproteinemia symptoms of, these symptoms although serious, but generally as long as early detection and early treatment of nephrotic syndrome patients can often obtain a better therapeutic effect.
Routine treatment of nephrotic syndrome, the use of hormone treatment, hormones can play the role of anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, in a relatively short period of time, the body's inflammatory response of patients with nephrotic syndrome can be corrected quickly eliminate the adverse symptoms of the patient, the patient's condition was temporarily alleviate.
Already know from the above treatment of nephrotic syndrome, that since there is a reasonable treatment of nephrotic syndrome is not a serious disease? Fact, absolutely not to be taken lightly, once the patients suffer cold, fatigue, infections and other incentives role nephrotic syndrome easily relapse, the patient's condition and increase the level of patients with kidney damage, led to the aggravation of the disease difficult to treat.


Is High Serum Creatinine Dangerous

Our kidneys are made up of millions of small unit structures called as nephrons. Those structures can normally filtrate blood, remove wastes into blood, regulate erythrocyte and acid-base balance, and secrete hormones so as to maintain stable physiological state. Constant high serum creatinine directly point to impaired kidney filtration system. Patients with high serum creatinine are often combined with the following conditions:
1. Fluid retention: water and sodium retain in the body as kidney filters are impaired, which can result in swelling (edema) in eyelids, face, hands or the lower limbs. In some severe conditions, fluid can be deposited in the lungs and cause congestive heart failure. Blood pressure may rise because of the excess fluid.
2. Metabolic acidosis, or increased acidity of the body due to the inability to manufacture bicarbonate, will alter enzyme and oxygen metabolism, thus resulting in organ failure.
3. Inability to excrete potassium and rising blood potassium levels is associated with heart rhythm disturbances including ventricular tachycardia and ventricular filrillation.
4. Increased urea levels which can affect normal function in various organs, such as thinking alteration in the brain, inflammation of heart lining, and decreased muscle function due to low calcium level.
5. Anemia and weakness: failing kidneys can not enough enough erythropoietin to stimulate the bone morrow, thus resulting in anemia and overall weakness.
6. As waste products build in the blood, loss of appetite and lethargy will become obvious. In severe conditions, mental function reduction and coma may occur.
Diabetes belong to a special group of patients who tend to experience more complications from diabetes, such as diabetic retinopathy, foot disease, cardiovascular diseases, nerve damage and so on. Lowering down blood sugar and blood pressure can help to slow down progression.
General evaluation for your specific condition will be analyzed by nephrologists so as to control your complications and decrease life threatens with positive measures. Those with moderate complications can prolong the time to start dialysis. But for those with severe complications like very high potassium level, heart disease, cerebral disease, or with GFR<10, dialysis should also be started so as to ensure your safety.
While controlling complications positively, combined therapies of stem cell transplant and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy are advised to repair your kidneys and decrease creatinine in a more fundamental way.

The nephropathy hospitals to treat kidney disease

Nephrotic hospital how to treat kidney disease? kidney disease hospital in the treatment of kidney disease, why there is such a good effect, what is the reason of how the case? Return date, the treatment methods are the following: micro-based traditional Chinese medicine drug infiltration therapy has been used hospital in the treatment of kidney disease 26 years rather than Western medicine, it does not cause the side effects of other organs of the body. Immunotherapy is a new approach for the treatment of kidney disease and immunotherapy have a long history in China than in other countries such as Germany and the United States.
Micro-based traditional Chinese medicine drug penetrated through therapy consists mainly of micro-based traditional Chinese medicine medicine and micro-Chinese medicines to penetrate the device. Experts in our hospital will be carefully selected some of the traditional Chinese medicine according to the condition of the patient, then these drugs Supermicro crushed, so it is so small, it can penetrate into the external application of the renal lesions in the kidney area with the help of, micro- Chinese medicines osmosis units. So it is safer and more effective and more direct. Into the renal lesions, dilation of blood vessels, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant and degradation of extracellular matrix components, micro-based traditional Chinese medicine drugs block renal fibrosis, the root cause of polycystic kidney, polycystic kidney disease patients with renal cysts shrink and disappear, and repair damage to the kidneys of the innate immune therapy to control the conditions of the patient's disease to the hilt.
Infiltration therapy of micro-based Chinese medicines on the basis of the development of Chinese. But it solves the problem is less effective absorption and low-impact process of traditional Chinese medicine. Micro-based traditional Chinese medicine drugs can repair the kidney, but it can not create new healthy kidney units. Therefore, we used in hospitals for immunization to cover the shortfall.
Immunotherapy is a group of immunity, self-replication and differentiation. After infusion in vivo in patients, immunotherapy can differentiate into the needs of the necessary immune treatment of injured tissue and repair injured kidneys at the same time, in order to obtain the maximum effect and minimum damage. This is a therapy based on micro-based Chinese medicines penetration.
In addition to the infiltration therapy of micro-based Chinese medicines mentioned above, another important point to note is the composition of micro-based traditional Chinese medicine drug infiltration therapy can play a guiding role in vivo in patients, thereby laying a good foundation for the immune.
Therefore, the combined immune, and micro-Chinese medicine Medicine is the latest treatment methods for the treatment of polycystic kidney disease, more effective treatment. Please contact an expert online or send an email to us, if you are suffering from polycystic kidney disease and recommendations to find a better treatment and diet.

What are the disadvantages of surgical treatment of polycystic kidney disease

Method of surgical treatment of polycystic kidney disease, in a short period of time can ease the oppression of the large cyst on the renal parenchyma, improve renal ischemia and hypoxia conditions, to some extent, reduced functional nephron damage. But there are also some disadvantages: the surgical treatment of polycystic kidney disease is not only not fundamentally solve the root causes of cystic fluid secretion, and the kidney itself will cause some damage. In addition, due to polycystic kidney disease are numerous cysts, surgical treatment of polycystic kidney disease is only relative to what the larger cysts, after the passage of a large cyst, small cysts will grow rapidly re-oppression of the renal parenchyma cause substantial damage, the condition is often repeated aggravated renal dysfunction and even uremia.
Polycystic kidney surgery how to do? Surgery for the treatment of polycystic kidney disease in general in the cyst increased to 5 cm, when, mainly to take surgical decortication or pumping liquid sclerotherapy. The role of surgical treatment of renal cysts is relatively obvious, caution is best on patients with polycystic kidney surgery. In addition, polycystic kidney disease treatment aims to shrink the cyst, reducing the oppression of the cysts on the kidneys, but shrink the cyst lies in the inhibition of cyst fluid production, not just the large cyst.
Although the surgical treatment of polycystic kidney disease is one of the most common treatment, but the surgical treatment of polycystic kidney disease there are also the drawbacks, the surgical treatment of polycystic kidney disease can be completely? Set out below:
Surgical treatment of polycystic kidney disease there are the drawbacks of eradication is not clean and cyst recurrence.
(2) surgical treatment can not stop the cyst fluid secretion and cyst continuous growth will bring the scene of repeated surgery.
Surgical treatment can temporarily alleviate the pressure of the cysts on the kidneys. Alleviate pressure on the kidneys but when a large cyst, but its relevance while reducing surrounded by a small cyst absolute growth advantage. Once you reduce the pressure, the small cyst growth opportunities, and become larger and larger, re-create pressure on the kidneys and affect renal function again. In this way, cyst again and again, never gone right kidney, the renal injury will be getting heavier and heavier.

Micro-based medicine how to treat uremia

A variety of ailments and a variety of living environment factors, many people are still enduring the torture of uremia. Loss of renal function caused by uremia, cause people can not live a normal life, or even loss of life. Hemodialysis has become their only hope to survive. But even so, dialysis, nor can they fully misery, this is because the side effects of dialysis can not be ignored. Uremic patients should be how to do it? Is it only obediently die?
What is herbal medicine?
Many people know very little about Chinese herbal medicine, herbal medicine can be called traditional Chinese medicine. China has a long history in the use of traditional Chinese medicine to treat various diseases. Under the guidance of a wealth of experience and continue to explore, we have created and perfected a number of traditional Chinese medicine treatment prescription. All traditional Chinese medicine from nature, safe and without side effects, applicable to all types of people. Under normal circumstances, after boiling to extract the active ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine, to enable patients to dose form of a decoction. With the development of medical science in recent years have also the advent of tablets of Chinese medicine. Efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine in regulating the body balance of yin and yang, the immune system, reconstruction, repair body damaged tissue with Western medicine can not be compared.
Hospital's team of experts over the years to study traditional Chinese medicine treatment of uremia, the rich experience of hospital physicians, can provide you with an important remedy for a variety of effective treatment of uremia. In addition, the hospital's original Micro infiltration therapy of Chinese medicine for patients to solve the "Good medicine tastes bitter" troubled.
Uremia that is, end-stage renal failure, end-stage renal failure in patients with renal depleted? And traditional Chinese medicine is how to reverse this negative situation? Maximum effectiveness of the micro-Chinese medicine, namely the vasodilator, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, As a result, the flow of blood can be more smooth in the blood vessels, so blood circulation more smoothly. Therefore, the kidneys will get more blood supply, thereby reducing the inflammation caused by ischemia and hypoxia. In addition, more blood filter will prompt the body to produce more urine to flush out the metabolic waste, to reduce the damage caused by the metabolic waste deposition to other body organs.
More importantly, the micro after the Chinese medicine has a stronger drug activity, and give full play to traditional Chinese medicine treatment of this feature, so that the traditional Chinese medicine molecular chain broken again link the formation of new features while. Also injured glomerular basement membrane, removal of immune complex deposition in the basement membrane and diseased tissue, repair damaged basement membrane. This approach is to repair the kidney disease gene, kidney disease and damaged cells, and start the damaged tissue cells, DNA replication, prompting impaired renal structural changes, impaired kidney function was restored.
The same time, micro-based traditional Chinese medicine for the cell growth provides many essential elements, these ingredients help the recovery process of the kidney cells to speed up. If most of the damaged cells of the kidney have been restored, the patient's renal function also improved. As a result, would be able to avoid dialysis or out of the dialysis.
Micro-medicine treatment of uremia treatment of choice for you not to be missed.

How to prevent diabetes

Diabetes is a metabolic disease caused due to lack of insulin secretion or insulin resistance, characterized by chronic hyperglycemia and associated with carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism disorders, severe ketoacidosis or hyperosmolar coma. life-threatening. Chronic high blood sugar can lead to damage to various tissues and organs especially the eyes, kidneys, nerves and blood vessels, causing dysfunction or failure. It is estimated that now the world 160 million patients with diabetes, nearly 40 million Chinese, according to estimates. L-type and type 2 are obvious genetic predisposition. HIV infection and certain chemical poisons l diabetes, environmental factors. These viruses include Coxsackie B4 virus, rubella virus, mumps virus. Eating too much, especially high-fat, high protein and sweets, high-calorie foods, obesity, long-term sit-in work and activities to reduce, and so are the incentives of type 2 diabetes. According to statistics, type 1 accounted for 10%, type 2 accounted for about 90. In short, diabetes is a polygenic multifactorial disease, is the result of the role of genetic and environmental factors.
Prevention of diabetes:
Prevention: an entire population of non-selective prevention is to change the environmental factors and lifestyle, will minimize the various factors that lead to diabetes. Incidence of diabetes and calorie intake too much overnutrition, obesity, lack of exercise and other factors are closely related in their daily lives should be noted that reducing caloric intake, to develop the "three lows and one high" (low salt, low sugar, low fat, high fiber), eating habits, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, rice and do not eat too fine to eat more whole grains daily, in addition to moderate physical exercise.
Secondary prevention: type 2 diabetes in high-risk groups (including family history of diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, obesity and gestational diabetes over the age of 40, etc.) to regularly check blood sugar, the early detection of the negative type 2 diabetes (ie, hyperglycemia only patients with no obvious symptoms) and impaired glucose tolerance, to ensure early detection and early treatment. Impaired glucose tolerance, also known as "pre-diabetes" refers to blood glucose higher than normal, but have not yet reached the diagnostic criteria of diabetes, some patients may be converted to normal through diet or medication, if left unchecked may develop diabetes .
Tertiary prevention: diabetes if long-term lack of good control, but also cause complications of the heart, brain, kidneys, nerves, eyes and other vital organs, and even lead to disability or death. Tertiary prevention that has been diagnosed with diabetes through diet therapy, exercise therapy, medication, psychological therapy, diabetes education and other means, and strive to prevent or delay diabetes complications (mainly) the occurrence and development of chronic complications, in order to minimize the pain of diabetic patients, to improve the quality of life of patients.


Patients with lupus nephritis can eat animal protein

Many patients with lupus nephritis that vegetarian diet can block the development of the disease. However, even a daily vegetarian but they feel worse. Lupus nephritis can eat animal protein? Us today to talk about.
Benefit or to do harm in animal protein in lupus nephritis
In most cases, patients with lupus nephritis performance features of the nephrotic syndrome: a large number of symptoms of proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, severe edema, and hyperlipidemia. Patients will lose a lot of protein, the formation of hypoproteinemia, resulting in severe edema, causing many complications. Therefore, patients should replenish protein, in order to alleviate a variety of symptoms.
Complement protein, the patient should choose animal protein in order to achieve better results. Human protein intake can not be directly absorbed, but before then being absorbed into amino acids. Will produce a number of metabolites in the process of protein degradation, metabolites of metabolites of the plant protein than animal protein will increase the burden on the kidneys, lupus nephritis in patients with moderate consumption of animal protein to supplement the protein in the blood. And kidney patients to control the protein intake of the average per person per day should be the intake of 0.6 grams per kilogram of body weight. The figures are for the reference of patients, because of illness or personal habits affect the protein intake. You can consult the online experts to answer your questions and give you develop a detailed diet plan.
Patients with lupus nephritis added protein should be noted that
Suffering from lupus nephritis, the patient's kidney does not work well, so some of the body's metabolites can not be excluded from the body. If the patient has to eat too much meat or seafood, the metabolism of uric acid can not be timely excretion, so that patients are likely hyperuricemia may even have gout. So patients should have a professional staff guidance diet, in order to ensure the health of the body.
Although patients can receive some of the efficacy of the diet, but regular treatment can not live without. You can go to our website to learn about our unique therapy, I hope for your help.

The daily care of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

Systemic lupus erythematosus, also known as lupus. Daily life, many elements will cause lupus erythematosus patients with allergies, so patients should always had to pay attention to their body in order to avoid deterioration of the condition. The following are some of the daily health knowledge provided to you.
● Do not direct sunlight
Patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, UV allergies. Therefore, patients should avoid to go out between 10:00 and 16:00 For out patients must do some protective measures, such as wearing protective clothing and wide-brimmed hat. If the patient is in serious condition, the patient may wish to purchase special UV protection clothing. Also, note that some interior lights UV, lupus patients should avoid contact with everywhere UV.
● diet
General doctors recommend patients with low-fat, low cholesterol diet, high fat and high cholesterol patients vulnerable to increased risk of heart disease in patients. If patients with edema, hypertension, kidney disease or other complications, diet should be adjusted. In addition, patients should also avoid some of the allergic food.
● Get plenty of rest.
In order to avoid the outbreak of systemic lupus erythematosus, the patient should have adequate sleep, in addition to the night's sleep during the day should take a nap, to ensure that every day 8-10 hours of sleep.
● to ensure that physical and mental health
Minimize the patient's mental stress, the patients themselves should also learn to relieve the pressure. The patient's family should give them enough support. After effective treatment, lupus patients can get rid of painful symptoms and lead a normal life. Hospital and discharged after a return visit some female patients can be fertility and normal life.
● prevention of infection
Patients with systemic lupus erythematosus should be noted that infection. Many times people will not accidentally infected with the virus, such as colds, respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections in healthy people is nothing. However, the patient's immune system disorder, these infections may lead to the outbreak of the next round of lupus.
If you or your friends are diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus, can get more information by consulting experts. If the lupus patients usually do not pay attention to medical care and treatment is likely to cause many complications, I hope you timely treatment.

Lupus glomerular disease: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Glomerular disease, also known as lupus nephritis. Lupus is one of the most common medical conditions in the country. About 30-50% of lupus patients in the first six months to three years, was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus glomerulonephritis development.
Lupus glomerular disease lupus nephritis. Lupus nephritis is the development of systemic lupus erythematosus from about 30% -50% of lupus patients in the incidence of 6 months to 3 years will be diagnosed with lupus glomerular diseases. This secondary kidney lead to one of the lupus patients the cause of death.
Cause of the disease of lupus glomerulonephritis
Systemic lupus erythematosus is a chronic inflammatory disease. Due to immune system disorders, immune system attacks the body tissues or organs, including skin, heart, lungs, joints, nervous system, blood vessels and kidneys. This is called systemic because it can affect the whole body. When lupus attacks the kidneys, lupus patients have lupus glomerulonephritis.
● the naked eye or microscopic hematuria
● swelling in the feet, legs, eyes
● foamy urine or in the evening often urinate
● high blood pressure
In the beginning, most patients may not be any symptoms, but if you take medical tests, doctors can make a diagnosis. Lupus glomerulonephritis and kidney stones and urinary tract infection symptoms are similar. Your doctor to tell a very important addition to clear this point.
In the early days, the patient will not feel any symptoms, but doctors can make a diagnosis through the medical examination. In addition, lupus glomerulonephritis and kidney stones or urinary tract infection symptoms are very similar. Your doctor can help you diagnose or rule out these diseases.
The therapy goal we have taken to improve renal function, renal function failure and, more importantly, to regulate the immune system. The hospital immunotherapy for lupus glomerulonephritis such own immune diseases, and can repair kidney damage, improve kidney function, and can also modulate the immune system to work properly.
Changes in diet and lifestyle, and doctors know and help prevent the occurrence of lupus glomerulonephritis.
Patients need to control the consumption of dietary protein, sodium, potassium, maintain a balanced diet. At the same time, you may need to change your lifestyle, such as to pay special attention to the sun, avoid stress, relax and to ensure adequate sleep, regular participation in exercise and so on.
If you need more information about lupus glomerular disease, you can message can also consult our online experts. I hope this can help you.

Polycystic kidney disease killer - Micro traditional Chinese medicine

Polycystic kidney Department involving the congenital disorder of both kidneys. Renal filled cysts of varying sizes, some with each other can communicate, so that the kidney volume increases with compression of the renal parenchyma to atrophy resulting in dysfunction, until chronic renal failure. The traditional therapy of polycystic kidney disease is a hormone, dialysis and renal transplantation. However, traditional therapies often lead to recurrent disease polycystic kidney disease. Micro-based medicine on the basis of traditional Chinese medicine, a bold attempt and innovative, able to shrink the cyst, to improve renal function. People in the industry as the nemesis of the polycystic kidney.
What is a micro-based medicine?
Micro-based medicine penetration therapy is a treatment for chronic kidney summed up the nation's largest kidney specialist hospital in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital in the 20 years of long-term clinical practice innovative therapy, micro-based traditional Chinese medicine effective penetration therapy is a stone house the Zhuang nephropathy hospital patents.
Micro-based medicine penetration of therapy is summed up in the years of therapy practice in an innovative therapy, its core technology is a valid prescription for the treatment of kidney disease, ultrafine grinding, drugs active ingredients fully release and mixed Hesheng. And then with the effective penetrant and penetration, topical approach, the effective drug penetration to the site of renal lesions, to achieve the purpose of effective treatment of kidney disease. This innovative therapy, the elimination of the side effects of oral medication, but also to achieve the purpose of drug ingredients enter the effective lesions.
Why is micro-based medicine is the nemesis of the polycystic kidney disease?
Micro-based traditional Chinese medicine to penetrate through the skin directly to the renal lesions. Micronized ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) on the one hand can control the lining cells are not growth, on the other hand can change its structure. So, what is the lining cells it? Lining cells within the cyst cortex layer of cells, whose main function is to continue to secrete cyst fluid promote cyst increases. Of micro herbs can control to change the cell is not breeding, thus preventing further cysts increases. The same time, micro-based medicine has changed the structure of the lining cells, to bring it back to the absorption of cyst fluid, the naturally narrow purpose of the cyst.
Micronized What are the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine treatment for kidney disease?
A micro-based traditional Chinese medicine active substances can activate residual intrinsic kidney cells to reverse and restore normal cell metabolism. Penetration through the external application of Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine active substances effective direct access to the kidney area, play anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, and expansion of blood Guanxi and the effectiveness of the degradation of extracellular matrix.
Micro-based traditional Chinese medicine active substances can improve the environment within the damaged kidney to alleviate the symptoms of poisoning, renal repair and reconstruction to create a relaxed environment of TCM active substances into the kidney region, can play a expanding blood Guanximiyou role, and the kidneys to increase the effective blood circulation, improve renal ischemic hypoxia, a smooth blood pressure and promote kidney natural cell function is gradually restored, and will enhance the kidney detoxification ability.
Micro of traditional Chinese medicine has a biphasic immunomodulatory function and metabolism, can control the progress of the disease, in order to lay a good foundation for the repair and reconstruction of the damage inherent in cells of the kidney.
The active substances of micro-based traditional Chinese medicine to improve impaired kidney microcirculation kidney aerobic repair the environment, accelerate the intrinsic cell repair of damage kidneys.
If you need more answers, then you can consult our online customer service, or leave us a message.

What are the complications of polycystic kidney disease?

Polycystic kidney disease is a kidney disease, involving the other organs including the liver, pancreas, spleen, seminal vesicle and stomach.
Most of the patients with polycystic kidney disease in their lifetime will appear polycystic liver disease. Polycystic kidney disease in patients 30 years of age rarely polycystic liver will grow older. Although the liver cyst will gradually grow, but liver function was not damage. Male and female patients with polycystic kidney polycystic liver disease, but female patients than male patients earlier in polycystic liver disease. And non-pregnant patients with polycystic kidney, pregnant polycystic kidney disease patients are more prone to polycystic liver disease situation cyst greater number of more.
Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases including hypertension, cerebral aneurysms is a polycystic kidney complications. Sometimes this will cause the blood to the heart, this phenomenon is called reflux. And could hear a heart murmur.
5% -10% of ADPKD patients prone to intracranial aneurysms. Intracranial aneurysms with a family history of polycystic kidney disease patients more easily than those without a family history of patients suffering from the disease. Intracranial aneurysm is a disease of the brain blood vessels, patients may experience a sudden severe headache, nausea, vomiting, coma. In this case, you need to be addressed urgently. Therefore, intracranial aneurysms with a family history of polycystic kidney disease patients need regular checks to prevent life-threatening illness.
The gastrointestinal complications of diverticular disease. Seems to dialysis and kidney transplant patients more prone to this disease
These are the complications of polycystic kidney disease. I hope for your help.

What is autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease

Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney is called PKHD1 of PKD autosomal recessive mutations in the gene caused. The human body may carry PKD gene, but scientists have not found. The human body's genes exist in pairs, if two parents per capita carrying the abnormal gene, and transmitted to their children, even if the parents were not ill, the child may be sick. If both parents are carrying the abnormal gene, their children suffering from autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease probability of 25%. If only one parent carries the abnormal gene, then the child will not be sick, but there may be genetic abnormal gene to their children.
Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease in patients born before will show symptoms, it is also known as infantile polycystic kidney disease. Under normal circumstances, the birth suffering from recessive polycystic kidney infant will develop renal failure as well as not adult, but there are exceptions. The severity of the disease vary, the most serious, sick infants may be within a few hours after birth due to breathing difficulties or respiratory failure died.
Some patients with autosomal recessive polycystic kidney until childhood or even adulthood not develop the disease. Often hidden polycystic kidney patients will be the formation of liver scarring and increase with age become increasingly serious.
Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney in children with high blood pressure, urinary tract infection and urinary frequency. The disease also affects the liver and spleen, resulting in low blood cell counts, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Because the kidney plays a vital role in the early physical development, so often hidden in polycystic kidney in children than normal children emaciated. Recent studies have shown that growth retardation may be the first symptoms of autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease.

Brief Analysis of polycystic kidney disease (PKD) kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a hereditary disease, and its main symptoms of growth and a large number of cysts on the kidneys. The human body has two kidneys, and kidney size of a fist, located in the hips. The main function of the kidneys is to filter blood of metabolic wastes and excess water, and the form of urine excreted. In addition, the kidney is also responsible for regulating the body electrolyte balance and acid base balance. Due to the growth of fluid-filled cyst on the kidney, these cysts will change the normal organizational structure of the kidney resulting in kidney larger size and functional decline until renal failure.
Under normal circumstances, will take years PKD to the development of renal failure, but once they reach the degree of renal failure, it means that patients need dialysis or kidney transplantation. About half of patients with polycystic kidney the development of renal failure, or ESRD.
PKD also lead to liver cyst, and other organ diseases, such as brain vascular or cardiovascular disease. The doctors are often based on the number of cysts and the complications of type to distinguish normal renal cysts and polycystic kidney disease.
The United States there are approximately 600,000 patients with polycystic kidney, and cystic lesions is the fourth largest cause leading to renal failure. There are two main hereditary polycystic kidney disease type:
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney is the most common form of hereditary polycystic kidney disease kidney disease. Its main incidence of the crowd of about 30-40 young people, but there may be an earlier onset even in patients with childhood onset.Approximately 90% of ADPKD patients fall into this category.
Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease, compared with the rare hereditary polycystic kidney disease kidney disease. Incidence of very early onset is usually in the first few months after the birth of the patients, even patients had onset in utero.

How to treat polycystic kidney hematuria

Polycystic kidney hematuria polycystic kidney disease patients prone to complications, and polycystic kidney hematuria is caused by a large rupture of the cyst, polycystic kidney hematuria how treatment?
Many patients with polycystic kidney disease in case of hematuria after the medical examination only to find they are suffering from polycystic kidney disease in patients suffering from polycystic kidney disease are basically hematuria occurs, the treatment of polycystic kidney hematuria up the cause of hematuria compared with other kidney disease greater difficulties. Characterized by recurrent, under normal circumstances can hematuria medication to stop bleeding after 4-8 days, but separated soon right again by hematuria situation, especially in patients with anemia, stop bleeding is more difficult, but this situation must also be caused by patients and their families attention.
Polycystic kidney disease in patients with hematuria continuous occur, and the urine was bright red, or urethral discharge congestion more this situation can easily cause severe anemia, a sharp decline in the number of platelets in the blood clotting mechanism will and poor, severe also available to patients with shock or decreased for the clotting mechanism to guide fat body organ bleeding and death. Such as the degree of anemia is serious not only bleeding problems, and this time the blood is also difficult to effective treatment of renal bleeding is a very important one.
Treatment of polycystic kidney disease caused by bleeding from the multi-pronged approach, the first occurrence of hematuria after the first control infection. Because most patients hematuria, can easily cause a kidney infection, such as do not pay attention to high fever, or systemic edema, kidney enlargement, this situation will lead to the sharp decline of renal function, thereby increasing the hematuria occur.
The treatment of hematuria should also pay attention to the degree of anemia, should the blood as early as possible for the original there are patients with symptoms of anemia, increased platelet content, body coagulation to a large extent, to increase the injection hemostasis injection, you can quickly play a hemostatic effect.
Oral medication effects reflect general, for patients with repeated bleeding and clotting injections invalid, you can take a decoction of Chinese medicine, the effect is very good, can adhere to the multi-service treatment in order to avoid repeated to produce hematuria.

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