
Chronic Kidney Disease May Cause Hypertension

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and Hypertension always interact with each other. Therefore, CKD is a factor which can lead to Hypertension, but what is the process? Let’s learn it step by step.
Firstly, what are the two kinds of diseases?
CKD refers to the renal structural changes and dysfunctions which are caused by various reasons including the pathological damages when the GFR is normal or abnormal, the appearance of abnormalities of blood and urine elements and the image study, and the decreasing of GFR without clear reason. If the symptoms last for more than three months, patients can be diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).
In another aspect, Hypertension means that the blood pressure is higher than the normal range (<160/95 mmHg).
Hypertension can be divided into two kinds, namely, Primary Hypertension and Secondary Hypertension. The former one refers to the Hypertension in clinic whose pathogenesis is always connected with genetic factors. However, the latter one is the complication of the disease. For example, Renal Hypertension is caused by kidney disease.
Hypertension caused by kidney disease is called Renal Hypertension, which belongs to the second one with a rate of 5% -10% in adult patients. Among these, the one caused by renal arteriarctia is called Renovascular Hypertension while what is caused by other reasons related to kidney disease is called Renal Parenchymal Hypertension.
Secondly, how does the renal disease lead to Hypertension(High Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease)?
The two ways through which the glomerular diseases lead to Hypertension:
1). The GFR decreases when the patient get Nephritis. The quantity of sodium reabsorbed by tubules increases will lead to the retention of water and sodium in the body and the expansion of the blood volume, thus causing Hypertension at last. This is called “Volume-dependent Hypertension”.
2). Ischemia caused by Nephritis can lead to the increasing of renin secreting and synthesis of angiotensin II. On the one hand, the angiotensin II can make the vessel shrink; on the other hand, it may stimulate the aldosterone to secrete, increasing the retention of water and sodium. Both the two aspects can lead to Hypertension. Among most of the cases of Hypertension, the former occupies 80% and the latter 10%.
Thirdly, what should be noticed after getting the disease?
There are so many cases in which the patients regard their disease as the primary Hypertension without a Immunotherapyic examination that many people and families lost their smiles on the face. Therefore, once you find the symptoms, never be satisfied with the general treatment of antihypertensive medicine, but try to find the fundamental cause of the disease. If the renal damage is found, go to a hospital specialized in kidney disease so that timely treatment can be taken.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is the largest hospital in North China at present which is specialized in treating renal disease. There are many experts with rich experience who will try their best to treat your disease. And our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has a good effect on renal disease. Please don’t hesitate to connect with us if you have any question.

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