
Stages of Diabetic Nephropathy

Diabetic Nephropathy, a kind of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), means damages in glomeruli and usually happens to patients who have Diabetes for many years. Diabetic Nephropathy is the most common CKD and it can be divided into five stages.
Ⅰ. Stage of Renal Hypertrophy
In this stage, glomerular filtration rate increases to as high as one hundred and forty percent of normal value. Glomeruli and kidney enlarge, which is accompanied by increase of renal blood flow volume and perfusion pressure of glomerular blood capillary.
Ⅱ. Stage of Normal Albuminuria
Urinary albumin excretion rate is normal in this stage. Glomerular structure changes, which perform as increase of glomerular basement membrane and mesangial matrix. Besides, glomerular filtration rate keeps in a high level. In addition, if excessive albumins appear in patients’ urine after they do some sports; we can conclude that their diseases have developed into stage two.
Ⅲ. Early stage of Diabetic Nephropathy
In this stage, some clinical manifestations of Chronic Kidney Disease appear. For example, urinary albumin excretion keeps higher than 20~200 μg/min or 30~300mg/24h. Apart from that, patient’s blood pressure begins to increase and at that time antihypertensive therapy can help to reduce the excretion of urinary albumin. Moreover, compared with stage two, changes in glomerular structure is more severe.
Ⅳ. Clinical Diabetic Nephropathy
Symptoms of large amount of albuminuria and persistent urine protein become more serious. Clinical manifestations perform as high blood pressure and nephrotic syndrome. Besides, for some patients, they may have slight microscopic hematuria. Glomerular filtration rate decrease greatly and renal dysfunction shows progressive development.
Ⅴ. End Stage of Renal Failure
Once getting into stage four, disease will develop into the last stage rapidly. Thereby, if this kind of disease in stage four can not be controlled effectively as soon as possible, glomerular filtration rate will decrease at the speed of 1 milliliter per minute until the disease get into renal failure.

Through the above introduction, you must have a general understanding about the stages of Diabetic Nephropathy. Diabetic Nephropathy is the common complication of Diabetes and if the patients with this kind of Chronic Kidney Disease can not receive treatment timely, Diabetic Nephropathy will develop into the end stage, so as to threat patients’ lives.

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