
What does Creatinine Mean for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease?

Creatinine has focused more and more people's attention, especially patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, because the level of creatinine can generally tell us something about our body. In clinic, test on serum creatinine is usually used to tell renal function.
Creatinine in blood concludes two types: exogenous creatinine and endogenous creatinine. Exogenous creatinine is produced after we eat and digest some meats. Endogenous creatinine is the waste products produced by our muscular tissue.
Serum creatinine is a kind of waste product and it is excreted from our body through glomeruli. Generally speaking, when glomeruli are damaged, serum creatinine in our body will increase. However, in early stage of Chronic Kidney Disease, the clearance rate of creatinine decrease, serum creatinine still keeps in the normal range. Only when glomerular filtration rate decreases to fifty percent of the normal value, can secrum creatinine increase quickly. Thereby, when secrum creatinine is higher than normal value(High Creatinine Levels), our kidneys have been damaged greatly.
When renal function decreases, serum creatinine can not be excreted, so they will accumulate in our body. Long-term retention of serum creatinine will do harm to our health. The maximum of serum creatinine is about 100ummol/L. The testing standards of serum creatinine in different hospitals are various, so we may get different values if we do this test in different hospitals. However, the serum value is usually no more than 120ummol/L.

For patients with high level of serum creatinine, they should pay much more attention to their diet. For example, patients who have swelling should avoid ingest too much salt and protein, because too much sodium contained by salt and water will increase the burden of our kidneys. Beside, patients with high level of serum creatinine should try to ingest adequate vitamin, which is very helpful for patients’ health.

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