
33 years old,Glomerulonephritis,edema in the face and eyelids

The patient: Zhang lin (alias), Male, 33 years old, from Zhejiang Province
Diagnosis: chronic glomerulonephritis
The superficial symptoms: edema in the face and eyelids
Hospital courses:
Before seeing a doctor, the patient had already experienced several days of swelling in the eyelids and faces. After being diagnosed as Chronic Glomerulonephritis by doctors of the local hospital, the patient was treated with prednisone and cefradine, with unsatisfying effects. After his entering into Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, physical exam was done, and the results are as follows: urine protein 3+, occult blood 2+, creatinine 418.36umol/L, urea nitrogen 15.86mmol/L, and there is proteinuria , gross hematuria , fatigue, edema in the face, chocking sensation in the chest, shortness of breath.
The therapeutic schedule:
External application of Chinese medicine combined with the Herbal steam therapy enhances the angiotelectasis and makes the blood circulate more smoothly. What is more, the diet treatment of low salt and low protein reduces the burden of the kidneys. Through one month of treatment, the patient’s swelling and fatigue symptoms were largely relieved. And after a short term of further treatment, the patient’s urine protein and occult blood indexes turned out to be negative and the creatinine(High Creatinine Level) level decreased to 82.43ummol/L, the urea nitrogen level decreased to 5.36mmol/L. The overall symptoms disappeared completely and the functional ability of the kidney recovered to normal level.
Expert’s comments

Through Micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy, active ingredients of Chinese medicine can directly get into renal foci and form high concentration around the foci. As these active ingredients will enhance the blood circulation and the removing of blood stasis, as well as help with the restoration of damaged renal cells, blood, oxygen and nutrient supply to renal cells will be guaranteed, which directly influence the restoration of filtration membrane of glomerulus. The restoration of filtration membranes lead to the normalization of protein and occult blood indexes, as well as the level of creatinine and blood urea nitrogen level.

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