
The Root Causes of Chronic Kidney Disease

The root cause of Chronic Kidney Disease is damaged renal functional cells. Studies show that damaged renal functional cells are caused by the following reasons:
a. Ischemia and anoxia of renal functional cells.
Blood flow is abnormal in the status of disease. The speed is slower, which will cause the deposition of harmful wastes. And then nutrition supply cannot meet the need of all kinds of renal functional cells. It is just like that people will be hungry and be lack of nutrition if they cannot take in fresh and applicable foods. Similarly, renal functional cells will also be damaged by ischemia and anoxia.
b. Inflammatory reactions of renal functional cells.
In the status of disease, bacteria, virus, ischemia, anoxia and renal toxic substances can damage renal functional cells leading to the vibrancy of inflammatory factors.
The vibrancy of inflammatory factors can cause inflammatory reactions of renal functional cells, which will decrease renal functions and even will lead to the necrosis of renal functional cells, and then occult blood, protein and other substances may occur in the urine.
c. Blood coagulation.
Excessive blood coagulation must be increasing the difficulty of blood filtration. Overload work will damage renal functional cells.
d. Blood viscosity.
Blood viscosity is caused by the excessive lipid and saccharide. High blood viscosity can also increase the difficulty of blood filtration, which will damage renal functional cells.
e. Hyperplasia of extracellular matrixes.
Kidneys are made up of renal functional cells and extracellular matrixes. If renal functional cells are necrotic and dropped, extracellular matrixes will proliferate to take the place of the necrotic cells and squeeze other renal functional cells, which will damage renal functional cells.
All in all, under the effects of all kinds of reasons, renal functional cells will be damaged and their functions will decrease, which is called renal function decline. Once renal functional cells are damaged too seriously, the renal function may enter into the End-Stage Renal Failure.
Therefore, if you want to protect renal function, you must protect renal functional cells first. To treat Chronic Kidney Disease, the most important thing is to repair the damaged renal functional cells.
According to the reasons mentioned above, doctors in our hospital create a kind of characteristic treatment method, Immunotherapyation accompanied by Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherepy. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherepy can dilate blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anticoagulation, prevent blood viscosity and degrade extracellular matrixes fundamentally, which provide a clean environment for Immunotherapyation.
In addition, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherepy has no side effects, for it adopts external application making effective medicines permeate into kidney lesions. Clinical practices have proven that this method is effective and convenient.
Immunotherapyation has a promising future in treating Chronic Kidney Disease due to powerful vitality in repairing and regenerating all kinds of renal intrinsic cells.
Immunotherapyation accompanied by Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherepy can treat Chronic Kidney Disease fundamentally and has effectively improved the curative effects of our hospital.

For detailed information, you can consult our online experts or email to me. We will provide you with professional analysis and make proper treatment suggestion for you.

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