Two months ago, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital welcomed one patient
with Uremia. This patient got rid of dialysis after one month’s treatment. when
this patient came to our hospital, he was suffering from severe general edema,
amounts of ascitic fluid, serious short breath even he could’t lie on the back.
The urine volume of 24hs was less than 400ml. besides that, this patient
suffered from abdominal distension, poor appetite, and urine with lots of foams.
Creatinine was up to 1234umol/L. Renal B Ultrasound showed that, left kidney was
7.8×3.0×3.2cm, right kidney was 7.9×3.5×3.0cm. The renal ECT showed that the
blood perfusion was insufficiency, and the filtration of kidneys reduced almost
completely, left kidney 2ml/mm, right kidney 1.75ml/mm.
From the above conditions, we can see this patient suffered from quite
serious Uremia. therefore, the expert group of our hospital toke a continuous
conference, and made the treatment plan with the emphasis on Micro-Chinese
Medicine Osmotherapy. Because Micro-Chinese Medicines can reach to kidney
directly and pitch kidney lesion. With high concentration, the active medicines
can play the great roles like dilating blood vessels, anti-coagulation,
anti-inflammation, and degrading extracellular matrix and so on, for the purpose
of recovering the toxin expelling, secreting, and regulating functions of
kidneys. As a result, Micro-Chinese Medicines can block renal fibrosis and get
the ideal treatment effects.
After one and half months’treatment process of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, general edema disappeared, the ascitic fluid vanished, and the
whole body became warm. The urine volume of 24hs increased up to 1500ml. there
was no foam in urine. Patient’s appetite returned normal. The creatinine(High Creatinine Level) decreased to 143.2umol/L. Renal ECT showed that the blood perfusion of kidneys
got normal. The filtration rate of left kidney was 10ml/min, and that of right
kidney was 11ml/min. the whole filtration rate was 21ml/min.
From the above comparison, we can see easily that after the treatment of
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, the creatinine decreased sharply, and the
supply of oxygen become adequate. Therefore, we can conclude that Micro-Chinese
Medicine Osmotherapy is one effective treatment for patients with Uremia.