
Treatment for Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD)

As we know, there are many inducements which can cause Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), say medication poisoning, excessive drinking and smoking and bad mental status. And the direct consequence of these inducements are those inherent cells in kidneys get damaged differently. If no treatment or treated improperly, the original renal structure get changed and kidneys will fail to work properly. Therefore, we should master some precautions to prevent the progression of Chronic Kidney Disease.
To avoid the aggravation of Chronic Kidney Disease, we can adopt measures in different stage. What you should do when there is no obvious symptoms? Because of good compensatory ability of kidneys, you would have no obvious symptoms in early stage,. When your GFR is more than 60%, you would present light edema, fatigue. You should pay more attention to your diet, low protein, low phosphorus, low potassium. Meanwhile, you should control the primary disease like acute/chronic glomerulonephritis, Lupus Nephritis, Purpura Nephritis, or other kidney diseases
In case that your condition have deteriorated unexpectedly and your GFR has been less than 50%, you can still do something to slow down its aggravation. The prevention of this stage may start from three aspects: daily life, diet and prevention of infection. When the disease occurs, patients with Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) should stay in bed, especially those who have severe swelling, because good rest could help to avoid complications of Hypertension and Heart Failure. However, in the stage of recovery, patients should do some mild exercises properly so that the muscles could return to normal gradually. Besides, more attention should be paid to the weather for it may aggravate the disease.
At last but not least, no matter whether you are a patient with Chronic Kidney Disease or not, you should have a correct cognition to health care. Good mental status, healthy life habit and regular check-up are very helpful to prevent and monitor your body condition. Even though you have noted you have problem in you health, you need calm down at first and choose correct treatment rather than take medication blindly. Especially for Chronic Kidney Disease, you need to restore those inherent cells. As long as these inherent cells get recovered, your symptoms can disappear spontaneously.

If you have any confusion, you can consult our experts online about your condition. Also, if you are reluctant to talk here, You can send your medical reports to me, our medical staff will help you analyze your condition and give you a reply.

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