
Is Kidney Disease Far From Us?

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) has been a danger for human being due to its high morbidity, high death rate and low cure rate. With so many sufferers leave, kidney disease is already life-threatening in the world, and it is said that chronic kidney disease is not second to any kinds of cancer, because it brings great agony to the sufferers, and it costs too much money. Too many families become as poor as a church mouse just because one of the members get chronic kidney disease.
Some related experts point out that many diseases in the modern society are aroused by unhealthy lifestyle and the lack of knowledge in facing with diseases. Everyone thinks that he will not be so "lucky" to get such a serious disease, so he just leads the life in whichever way he wants.
A story about Lee.
Lee is an assistant to the chief manager in a private cooperation. He works in the company since he graduated from the university. He has already been "somebody" in his department, and he always says that he is too busy and too tired. He has to dine the clients very often, so he always drinks too much and what he usually eats are all greasy food such as meat. When he is at home, he will not cook and just have some takeout food.
His wife advises him that his lifestyle should be changed and he should pay more attention to his physical condition, but he always smiles and says that he is so healthy and will never catch any disease. Unluckily, however, one day he found he had swelling in his low limbs. He didn't have time to go to hospital, but one month later, when he finally went to hospital, the diagnosis made him dumbstruck: End Stage Renal Failure.
When staying in the hospital, he suffered a lot and said, he had earned money at all costs before, but he had to spend all his money to pay for his own health. It is too late to regret, and he always thinks that if only he can pay a little more attention to his body condition!
In fact, many diseases are related to the lack of knowledge on healthy lifestyle and habits. The morbidity of chronic kidney disease is rising constantly, and since there are many causes of kidney disease, the improper lifestyle accounts for it greatly, and this is the point which needs to be attached great importance to.

Irrational and irregular diet, excessive drinking of alcohol, smoking, staying up frequently, and long-term depression will certainly lead to the decline of immunity. If all of these bad habits last for a long time, the life will be threatened and you must pay the price. Do remember that you can not ignore the signs in your body, and your body condition is the thing that is worth your attention most. Chronic Kidney disease is not that far from all of us. Therefore, change your unhealthy lifestyle, and protect your kidney as much as you can. Your health is the most important thing in the world instead of money. Do cherish it!

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