
Factors Causing the Development of Chronic Nephritis

Corresponding treatment is the best way of controlling our disease. However, sometimes, just receiving treatment can not help us solve the problem, it also need us to avoid the inducements, so as to guarantee the treatment effects. As for patients with Chronic Nephritis, preventing the appearance of the following factors can help to impede the progress of their disease.
● Cold and Infection.
Chronic Nephritis is immunologic disease and it often arises from cold an infectious disease. When our receive invasion from extraneous antigen such as bacterium and virus, our defensive Immunotherapy will be started, and consequently, antibody was generated. Combination of antibody and extraneous antigen forms the immune complex and this process is immunoreaction. Flowing with human blood and when these immune complexes deposit in glomeruli, glomerular permeability will be damaged, causing the leakage of masses of albumin and erythrocyte. Every time cold or infection occurs, glomerular will be damaged. Therefore, cold and nfection should be avoided for patients with Chronic Nephritis.
● Unreasonable Diet.
When patients suffer from Chronic Nephritis, their damaged kidneys can not bear heavy burden. Under the circumstance, ingesting too much protein or salt will aggravate their kidneys’ burden. Long-term renal burden will deteriorate their disease, so arranging a reasonable diet is significant for them to control their disease.
● Medicine Effects.
Most of the metabolin of medicines in our body are excreted by our kidneys. However, some medicines such as gentamicin, kanamycin, tetracycline and cephaloridnum can cause damage to our kidneys and even our healthy kidneys can be damage by these medicines, let alone patients with kidney problem. Hence, patients with Chronic Nephritis should avoid taking these medicines.
● High Blood Pressure(High Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease)
Chronic Nephritis can cause secondary high blood pressure; conversely, high blood pressure will aggravate Chronic Nephritis. Long-term spam and induration of capillaries may cause renal ischemia and glomerulosclerosis which are the major reasons of renal atrophy and renal failure. Seeing from this point, controlling blood pressure is necessary for patients with Chronic Nephritis.
● Hyperlipidemia
Hyperlipidemia can aggravate the damage of glmerular capillaries, and affect the recovery of kidneys, so prevent the occurrence of Hyperlipidemia is also very necessary.
● Influences of Spirit

A good mental state can promote the recovery of patients. On the contrary, poor mental state will deteriorate our disease. If patients with Chronic Nephritis live in an anxious, dread, worried and nervous state for a long time, their immunity will decrease. As a result, their disease will be worsened.

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