Today I want to introduce a new patient story who was treated well through
This patient is called as Mr. Yang, he is 53 years old, and he was
hospitalized in our hospital with the main complaint of fatigue and diarrhea and
body weight.
After the inspection on him over all of his body, was diagnosed as a series
of diseases, including Diabetic Kidney Damage, Heart Problems such Heart
Failure, Acute Glomerular Disease, as well as Acute Renal Insufficiency. Other
diseases include Glomerula, endothelial cells disease, electrolyte disorders and
metabolic acidosis.
According these problems , we decide to give him Immune Adjustment and Immune
Protection. By these measures, the patient’s kidney’s micro-circulation is
improved and his immunity is enhanced.
Considering the existence of immune complexes with large amount, we use
Immune Clearance and Immune Block-ups to guide patients into the immune
tolerance stage.
By treatment, the patient’s vital signs are stable, and his blood pressure
varies from 110/70mmHg to 120/80mmHg, and, his creatinine decreases from
1064umol/L to 87umol/L, and his blood urea nitrogen reduces from 56.6mmol/L to
7.0mmol/L. and the other performances are also made, for example, feelings of
healthy increases, his urine has turned to the normal level, etc.
So immunotherapy for most kidney disease is very effective: it helps patients
improve the body immunity, rebuild the renal function, by which to treat various
kidney diseases.