
Case of Chronic Kidney Failure

Patient: Liujian, Male, 47 years old, hypertension for 15 years, and increasing enuresis nocturna for 5 years.
Medical history: The patient had uncontrolled high blood pressure for 15 years. And about years ago, enuresis nocturna increased. The test results showed that urine protein was+, serum creatinine was 270umol/l. He took some oral medicines for two years, but every cold just aggravate his disease condition, and serum was increasing all the time. One month before he was hospitalized, the test results were: BUN44mmol/l,Creatinine: 596umol/l。
Physical examination when hospitalized: BUN24.12 mmol/l,CRE717 umol/l.
Treatment: On 15 December, 2010, and 17 December, 2010, the patient received dialysis, and on 22 December, 2010, he had Umbilical Immunotherapy transplant. Now he had went home for about two months. The creatinine was 298 umol/L. blood potassium has returned to normal, and blood pressure has been under control. The patient also feels better than before, he now has a better sleep and appetite.
Expert comment: The kidney tubules and glomerulus of this kidney failure patient have all appeared injuries, and at the same time, he has Renal Insufficiency accompanied with decreasing regulatory function and electrolyte disturbance. The main pathology of injuries of chronic interstitial nephritis is as follows: multifocal or diffuse renal interstitial fibrosis, shrinkage of the kidney tubules, thickening of basilar membrane, and glomerular ischemic atrophy and sclerosis. Therefore, there appears the symptoms of proteinuria(Proteinuria and Kidney Disease), low urine Specific gravity, increasing Specific gravity and damaged kidney functions etc.

Immunotherapy are undifferentiated cells and the original cells of the human. They have the abilities of self replication and multi-differentiation so they can join in the renewal and repair of the tissues. They can differentiate into the renal tubular epithelial cells, renal tubular endothelial cells, mesangial cells, and sertoli cells, and it has great significance for the reconstruction and regeneration of the renal tissues and functions.

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