
A Real Story in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

A few days ago, when I passed by the service hall, there was something attracting my attention. An old man who looked not rich, took out money from his pocket, and then gave the money to the doctor standing beside him. He was talking to the doctor with tears on his face. I walked up to them. Then I heard their communication.
“Please help my daughter. She is so young; I have enough money to pay the bill. Please, I can’t, I can’t let her ……” the old man said chokingly and grasped the doctor’s hand tightly.
“I am so sorry, uncle. Your daughter should have adopted the treatment earlier. It is too late. Please put away your money.” said the doctor. I saw that the doctor’s eyes were red as well.
Then a young girl came over. She put away the money slowly, and then turned to the doctor and shook hands with him.
“Thank you very much, and thank you for everything you have done for me. I will be fine.” The girl said sweetly.
“Dad, I want to go home. I feel much better now.” she said to the old man. And then she held his father’s hand and supported him leaving. When they passed by in front of me, I was shocked. The smile on her face was so beautiful. Suddenly, the uncontrolled tears dropped down from my eyes.
Afterwards, the doctor told me that the girl got Chronic Kidney Disease, which had progressed into end stage. Her kidneys were necrotic absolutely. It was too late to treat.
Chronic Kidney Disease is asymptomatic in early stage, so patients are difficult to discover it. When the symptoms occur, the disease may progresses into stage 3 or stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease, which can be treated by Immunotherapy and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Patients should adopt right treatment in time. Don’t miss the chance to recover.

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