
Is Hypertension a Cause for Chronic Kidney Disease

When the patients with Hypertension have clinical manifestations of Chronic Kidney Disease such as proteinuria, red blood cells in the urine, nocturia, increase of the urea nitrogen and serum creatinine, they should pay more attention to the functions of their kidneys.
At the early stage of Hypertension, almost all the arterioles of the body will get spasmic, so does the renal arterioles. However, the kidneys are not at a high risk during this process since the condition can be remitted in a short time, as long as timely treatment can be given. With the aggravation of the high blood pressure, the arteriosclerosis also can be sharpened as well as the renal arteries, thus chronic kidney disease is formed.
Hypertension can cause chronic kidney disease directly which is called Hypertensive Nephropathy. The disease can be benign or malignant arteriolonephrosclerosis with a different influence to the kidneys.
※ The benign arteriolonephrosclerosis refers to the hyaline change of renal arterioles which is a consequence of long-term Hypertension, and its degree closely relates to the time of the high blood pressure(High Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease) and the degree of it. Bit by bit, ischemia may appear in the kidneys and the functions of glomeruli and the renal tubules decrease.
When the kidneys are lacking blood, they will secrete a kind of substance called rennin which can reactivate angiotensin and shrink all the vessels of the body, thus increasing the blood pressure. A high blood pressure is helpful to the improving of the blood volume in some organs and tissues for a short while, but it also can arouse the arteriosclerosis in the kidneys, and then aggravates the ischemia mentioned above. In this way, high blood pressure and renal damage form a vicious circle which can do much harm to our body.
※ The malignant arteriolonephrosclerosis particularly refers to the diffuse changes of glomeruli which is caused by the acute kidney disease. It is symbolized by the quick aggravation of the disease and a sudden decrease of the renal function.

A majority of the patients with Hypertension can get kidney disease at their late years, and only 10% of them will be free from this mirotic. In addition, both the kidney disease and high blood pressure can be severer with age growing.

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