
Complications of Nephritic Syndrome

Mesangial proliferative Glomerulonephritis (MsPGN) is featured by unobvious onset. Generally, infection of upper respiratory tract occurs before the onset of MsPGN, and this incidence accounts for 30-40%. Patients with slight MsPGN have symptoms like hematuria and protein urine, while patients with serious MsPGN may have obvious symptoms of Nephritic Syndrome like hematuria, massive protein leakage, edema and hyperlipemia. 30% patients also have slightly high blood pressure. Renal function is generally normal during the early stages, and 10-25% of MsPGN will gradually progress into renal insufficiency.
symptoms of MsPGN are closely related with renal pathological changes. For example, notable diffuse MsPGN and typical Nephritic Syndrome intend to have continuous protein urine and progressive renal insufficiency; MsPGN together with Focal and Segmental glomerulosclerosis tend to progress into renal failure. And for patients with partial and unobvious Mesangial proliferation, they usually have a better disease prognosis and a relatively slower disease progress speed.
MsPGN can be caused by deposition of immune complexes which Immunotherapy from immunoreactions of renal cells, in addition, nonimmunological factors like high blood pressure, high perfusion state of glomerulus and the dysfunction of soterocyte can also lead to Mesangial cellular pathology.
For patients with slight Mesangial proliferation and there is just little protein leakage and no hematuria, Glucocorticoids (hormone) prove to be effective in eliminating symptoms and slowing down the aggravating process. and for some patients who have become insensitive to hormone, immunosuppressant can be used to alleviate inflammatory reaction.Infection in Belly from Nephrotic Syndrome
When disease aggravates, anticoagulant, platelet inhibitor, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor or heparin can be used, and these drugs are effective in suppressing Mesangial proliferation.
MsPGN patients with hypertension expect a relatively unpleasant prognosis. Biopsy test usually indicates that there are serious diffuse proliferation of Mesangial cells as well as Focal and Segmental Glomerulosclerosis. Renal function tests usually show relatively great decrease in glomerular filtration rate. And patients with this stage kidney disease are more vulnerable to renal insufficiency or renal failure.What Are the Common Complications of Nephrotic Syndrome
After kidney disease has progress into typical Nephritic Syndrome and there is serious decline of renal function, the adoption of hormone or immunosuppressant is no longer practical to prevent further aggravation of kidney disease. And honestly speaking, all we can do is to try our best to slow down the aggravation speed and protect these remaining nephrones. As patients become insensitive to hormone and other immunosuppressant, increasing dosage of these medicines is not a wise choice. However, this is exactly where Traditional Chinese Medicine can really make a difference.
Traditional Chinese medicine helps with dilating blood vessels of over whole body, anticoagulation, anti-inflammation, degrading depositions of immune complex as well as providing materials necessary for the restoration of damaged renal cells. especially the adoption of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can guarantee a more permanent curative effect of preventing kidney disease aggravation and protecting these remained nephrones. In addition, the combination of Micro-Chinese Medicine together with Immunotherapy ation makes the recovery of partial damaged but still reversible renal bells possible.
Complications of Nephritic Syndrome.Is There any Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome
Infection is the most common disease for patients with Nephritic Syndrome, especially when there is massive protein urine. This is because that massive protein leakage together with limits on protein intake can easily give rise to malnutrition and, as a result, the decline of whole body immunity. in addition, long term adoption of hormone or suppressant can also decline the body immunity, which makes patients more vulnerable to bacteria and virus invasion.
Thrombus and embolism Immunotherapy from pachemia (insufficient effective blood volume) and hyperlipemia (high lipid concentration in the blood). Massive loss of protein can easily lead to compensatory albumin synthesize of the liver and, as a result, the increase of lipid concentration in the blood. In addition, under the illness condition of Nephritic Syndrome, hyperfunction of soterocyte exists. Diuretic, hormone and immunosuppressant usage can also deteriorate the hypercoagulative state, so th  rombus and embolism can easily occur.Nephrotic Syndrome and Swollen Forehead
Insufficient effective blood volume leads to insufficient blood inflow to the kidneys, and the ischemia state of the kidneys can give rise to Azotemia which makes the patients more vulnerable to Acute Renal Failure. In addition, due to the high pressure in tubular inner cavity, glomerular filtration rate may decrease sharply and, as a result, the disease can easily progress into Renal Failure.Facial Edema in Nephrotic Syndrome
Protein urine give rise to massive protein loss, and in order to provide enough energy, catabolism will be more active. Different from metabolism, catabolism consume cellular lipid to get enough energy. Lipid-consuming is just like taking fat or high-protein foods. The result will be the increase of lipid level in the blood and makes the occurrence of coagulation more easily.
We can tell from the above contexts, the key of this problem is protein urine, which leads to series of other symptoms. Then how to alleviate or finally prevent the occurrence of protein urine.Causes of Swollen Eyelids With Nephrotic Syndrome
The combination of western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine is the answer. Western medicines like hormone and immunosuppressant can effectively eliminate the inflammatory reactions of renal cells, and thus prevent further deposition of immune complexes and further damages to the kidneys however, these above medicines can not prevent the aggravation of damaged renal cells, and this is the very reason that patients with kidney disease generally suffer from illness relapse. And this is exactly where traditional Chinese medicine can make a difference.How to Treat Proteinuria in Nephrotic Syndrome

Traditional Chinese medicine helps with dilating blood vessels of over whole body, anticoagulation, anti-inflammation, degrading depositions of immune complex as well as providing materials necessary for the restoration of damaged renal cells. especially the adoption of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can guarantee a more permanent curative effect of preventing kidney disease aggravation and protecting these remained nephrones. In addition, the combination of Micro-Chinese Medicine together with stem cell therapy ation makes the recovery of partial damaged but still reversible renal bells possible.

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