
Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) Caused by Diabetes

Stage 4 chronic kidney disease(CKD) caused by diabetes. Diabetes is the number one cause of Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD). All types of diabetes cause kidney disease. Do you know the how diabetes cause chronic kidney disease and what the effective treatment for chronic kidney disease? Renal experts from Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital help you solve these questions.
How diabetes cause stage 4 chronic kidney disease.Why I Feel Tired With CKD Stage 4
Each kidney contains up to one million nephrons, the filtering units of the kidneys. Inside a nephron is a tiny set of looping blood vessels called the glomerulus. Over a number of years diabetes causes damage to the tiny blood vessels in your kidney. What is more, changes to the immune that occur in diabetes make a person more vulnerable to kidney and Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs). Nerve damage can also affect your bladder making it more difficult to pass urine. Urine build up in the bladder can create a back flow into your kidneys resulting in scarring. It is important to manage your diabetes well. Keeping your blood sugar in a healthy range will slow down the damage to your kidney.Can Kidney Disease Cause Mouth Sores
After you got stage 4 chronic kidney disease caused by diabetes, what will happen? Treatment Options for Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
After you are diagnosed with stage 4 chronic kidney disease caused by diabetes, some risks will attack you including: Is Stage 4 CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) Curable
Cardiovascular disease
Cardiovascular or heart disease includes all diseases and conditions of the heart and blood vessels, such as arteries and veins. The most common diseases and conditions include heart attack, heart failure, stroke and blockages in the blood vessels. The risk of cardiovascular disease is much higher in people with chronic kidney disease, particularly if they have diabetes.How to Control Nausea and Vomiting in Stage 4 CKD
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Effective treatment for stage 4 chronic kidney disease caused by diabetes

In our hospital, we use Stem Cell Therapy to cure stage 4 chronic kidney disease caused by diabetes, Stem Cell Therapy are primitive cells in human body and they have remarkable potentials of differentiation and regeneration. They can not only regenerate themselves through cell division but also differentiate into tissues or organs or specific cells in our body. After transfusing into the patient's body, Stem Cell Therapy can differentiate and proliferate β islet cells, then, repair and rengerate new β islet cells. On the other hand, the Stem Cell Therapy can improve the insulin sensitivity, and reduce the insulin resistance. So Stem Cell Therapy has good effects in treating both chronic kidney disease and diabetes.

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