
Three Types of Chronic Glomerular Nephritis

Common Chronic Nephritis
Symptoms of common chronic nephritis include fatigue, lumbago, and poor appetite. The edema is generally on-again and not serious. Moderate hypertension is common,with face color turning to pale and jaundice. Arteries in the fundus become slender and sometimes there is the situation of crossover oppression between veins and arteries. Moderate protein leakage can be confirmed by urine test, with the red blood cells and various casts appearing in urinary sediment. The creatinine clearance rate decreases, as well as the discharge of phenol red. The urine concentration ability goes down and the creatinine and urine nitrogen level increase, thus Azotemia occurs. There might be different degrees of anemia, with the erythrocyte sedimentation rate increasing and the plasma albumin a little lower, the cholesterol is a little higher.Treatment Options for Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
The disease course processes slowly, but finally leads to renal failure.How to Cure Kidney Failure with Diabetes Stem Cell Therapy Treats Kidney Disease
Typical Chronic Nephritis.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
The outstanding manifestations of typical Chronic Nephritis include large amount of proteinuria, with daily urine protein discharge being more than 3.5g; serious edema and plasma albumin decrease (plasma albumin usually less than 3g/dl); hypercholesterolemia, with cholesterol being more than 250mg/dl; the appearance of red blood cells and cast in the urinary sediment; the blood pressure could be normal or moderately higher; the renal function is progressively damaged, with the creatinine and the urine nitrogen levels increasing, and the creatinine clearance rate and discharge of the phenol red creasing; the anemia occurs, and the speed of the erythrocyte sedimentation becomes obviously fast. If the appropriated treatment can be done in this type, the condition of the illness will be relieved.Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy What Is the Solution to Stop Dialysis Treatment
The third is hypertensive chronic nephritis.Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

In addition to the common symptoms, the outstanding manifestation of hypertensive chronic nephritis is the continuous moderate or high blood pressure, and it is not much sensitive to the common antihypertensive drugs. It usually causes the serious fundus hemorrhage, the flocculent exudation, or even the swelling of the optic disc and the impaired vision. Moreover, renal examinations show damages to nephrones, and the different levels of proteinuria appear in the urine test, urinary sediment is abnormal obviously. The worsening of the renal function is fast, with the prognosis being pessimistic.

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