
Urinary Changes for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease

Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease have many symptoms and urinary change is one of the most common one. It is well known that kidneys can produce urine, so if our kidneys are damaged, there must be some changes in urine.
◆ First of all, for patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, they may have to get up at night for several times to urinate. Frequent micturition at night is one of the most common sign for patients with Chronic Kidney Disease.
◆ Secondly, for patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, a lot of foams may exist in their urine. The phenomenon of foam is caused by the leakage of protein. We all know that large amount of proteinuria is the predominant manifestation of Chronic Kidney Disease and it is shown as foam in urine in clinic. Moreover, patients with Chronic Kidney Disease may urinate more often, or in great amounts than usual, with pale urine. Diet for Reducing Proteinuria in Nephrotic Syndrome
◆ Thirdly, patients with Chronic Kidney Disease may urinate less often, or in small amounts than usual with dark colored urine. For some patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, oliguria always appear among them, and with the aggravation of their disease, anuria will occur. In addition, anuria or oliguria is usually accompanied by swelling.Swelling and Kidney Disease
◆ For patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, their urine may contain blood, that is to say hematuria appears. hematuria can be divided into two types which include gross hematuria and microscopic hematuria.Hematuria and Kidney Disease
◆ Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease may have difficulty in micturition. They may do not have too much urine, but they always feel they could not get all their urine out.
These are the several changes in urine for patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. For patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, they should pay close attention to their urine, so that they can understand their disease well.

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