
Chronic renal failure, has been three years time. Anemia, edema, general pain, weakness

Health counseling description:
Dear Doctor: Hello! Chronic renal failure, has been three years time. Began anemia, systemic edema. Now there are many complications. Obvious systemic pain, weakness, almost unable to walk. I ask you, body pain and renal failure related to it? was not the complications of renal failure. If not, there is no good way? Thank you.
The kidney specialists answer: Hello: systemic pain complications of renal failure.
The kidney patients answer: the pain of patients with systemic analgesic drugs not eat, and how to do? Thank you.
The kidney specialists answer: the aggressive treatment of nephritis, depending on your situation should pay attention to rest!
Kidney patients answered: how to treat, requiring hospitalization are now taking drugs. Niaoduqing other good drug treatment of nephritis
The kidney specialists answer: can be integrated with traditional Chinese medicine conditioning.

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