

Health counseling description:
My long-term backache, weight loss, Fanre palms heard and kidney, eat ZDP. Will work? Eat more for a long time.
The nephrotic doctor replied: Hello, can eat a specific time varies from person to person.
Kidney patients: Excuse me, can long-term use of it? At the same time, you can take the the Qijudihuang pills and American ginseng it? Excuse me, is a good Liuwei dihuang Pill or ZDP? While taking Qijudihuang pill because my eyes sometimes dry, it ZDP can take it? There, I heard the American ginseng remove the fire, I would like to ask also be taking?
Nephrotic doctors: suitable to eat ZDP. Without taking Qijudihuang pills and American ginseng do not need to eat too. Topical eye drops.

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