
Cord Blood stem cell Therapy for Kidney Disease

Cord blood stem cell transplantation is usually adopted by patients with diseases of hematologic stem cell . This is because that the main differentiation focus of Cord blood stem cell is candidate cells.
Kidney secretes various hormones such as erythropoietin and renin. And the secretion of erythropoietin is very important for the generation of red blood cells. so patients with kidney problem usually suffer from Anemia.
First we need to make clear about the generation of blood.
For adults, marrow is the only place of blood generation. stem cell in marrow firstly differentiate into very original red cells and these red cells will gradually develop and become more and more mature. Finally, these original red cells evolve into mature red cells. During this process, there are various factors can affect the smooth development of red cells.Stem Cell Therapy for Kidney Failure Because of PKD and Stem Cell Therapy for Kidney Renewal
As we have known, Ferrum, Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 are indispensible for the generation of red cells. In addition, erythropoietin influences the red cell generation process mainly through two way. Firstly, erythropoietin can enhance the proliferation or regeneration of later stage original red cells and prevent them from fading away. Secondly, erythropoietin promotes the growth and development of early stage red cells as well as improving their proliferation ability.How Can You Use Stem Cell Therapy for ADPKD
Kidney is the main source of erythropoietin. Data shows that 90%-95% erythropoietin of the whole body is produced by kidneys.
Renal Anemia is a common complication of kidney disease. And this problem is due to damages to mesenchymal cells that around the renal tubules. The application of Cord Blood stem cell ation not only repairs these damaged mesenchymal cells but also differentiate into new ones. By this there will be more secretion of erythropoietin, and as a result the anemia situation will surely be alleviated.
As most patients with kidney problem suffer from nephritic anemia, Cord Blood stem cell ation is highly recommended by doctors of Shijiazhuang Kidney Diseases Hospital. However, these stem cell only focus on repairing cells of hematologic stem cell. In order to repair damaged renal tissues, stem cellare usually infused together with stem cell.

And the articles about stem cell and the combination of these two types of stem cell are available in this column.

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