
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Medicated Bath in Treating Chronic Kidney Disease

When patients are diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease, it has developed for a long time and Chronic Kidney Disease is difficult to cure with the traditional treatments. Chinese medicine has a long history and it has great effect on promoting blood circulation and removing obstruction in channels which solve the biggest problem in damaged kidneys.Can Stage 5 Kidney Failure Be Cured by Dialysis
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat Chronic Kidney Disease with the medicine permeated into the lesion by the external application. The effective medicines enter into the damaged kidneys directly and have an obvious effect in a short time. Patients need to do the treatment once or twice a day and it takes 45 minutes for one treatment. Patients need take this treatment for 2-3 months for changing the bad kidney conditions and excreting wastes. For the long process of getting the disease, Chronic Kidney Disease can’t be treated in a short time. It needs a long time to repair the damaged kidneys, but with the effective treatment, Chronic Kidney Disease can be cured.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for CKD in Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treats the disease on the whole, not only for the symptoms. Medicated bath, also called herbal bath, is another kind of treatment with Chinese medicine. The effective medicines are chosen to put into the water with right temperature and then people enter into the water which is effective to treat Chronic Kidney Disease. Patients need to have a medicated bath with 30 or 45 minutes in which the nurses keep pouring the medicated water on your body and you may sweat much, so medicated bath can help excreting wastes in the body from the large amount of sweat. And after the medicated bath, patients will keep sweat for a period of time and the whole body feel relax. With medicated bath, the effective medicines enter into the body promoting blood circulation and removing obstruction in channels quickly and then achieving the goal of treating Chronic Kidney Disease. A lot of patients say that medicated bath is a very good treatment which is effective and comfortable.

If you have some questions about the treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease stage 4, you can consult us or email me and we will give you professional solutions.

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