
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy VS Chronic Kidney Disease

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy VS Chronic Kidney Disease
First, in primary stage, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy (MCMO) does not directly control proteinuria. While many patients with nephritic syndrome go to hospital holding a specific purpose—to relive and even eliminate proteinuria. Usually they are in urgent requirements. After notice the situation motioned above, many of them who came to Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital were filled with misgivings—how would it treat the illness if did not relieve proteinuria? In fact, there is no conflict. One is for long-term treatment, the other is just focus on present. Please, don not be confused.
When a patient is ill, protein will definitely leak out in the urine, sometimes even more than 10 g/day. This will trigger severe edema(Swelling and Kidney Disease ), oliguria and even kidney failure, which, of course, would make the patient panic. However, the key point we need to know is what causes protein leakage, then we can make a movement accordingly. Pathologically, protein leakage is caused by a severe damage or even a disappearance of glomerular mucous membrane barrier due to immune responses. In western medicine, hormones and immune inhibitors like prednisone and cyclophosphamide(CTX) are often used to alleviate and transiently degrade internal allergy action. It is a sort of plugging method for temporarily reducing proteinuria. However, western medications have strong side-effects, like swelling of the face, high blood sugar, nausea, vomit, decrease of leucocyte, functional damage of liver, etc., imposing more burdens to the patient.
Large doses of hormones and immunosuppresants are not recommended in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. With function of activating blood, Micro-Chinese medications will decrease blood viscosity caused by hypoproteinemia, and balance lipid level and cholesterole by sufficient blood and oxygen supply, improving patient’s microcirculation. Bioactive constituents in medications will advance phagocytosis of macrophages and inhibit immune responces. Immune complexs deposited on glomerular internal membrane will gradually be disintegrated and then be removed off the body through urine or accelerated blood flow to the liver. Besides, patients received Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy usually have cloudy urine, in which contains constituents of immune complexs and protein deposited in renal tubules. So, routine urinalysis at this time will indicate a slight increase of proteinuria. However, it proves that Micro-medications are taking their effects to eliminate stasis and activate bloodstream. Doctors and patients, please don not regard it as a sign of deterioration and stop using the medications which is rooting out the disease-causing substances. During the treatment, cloudy extent varies from time to time, people to people, because immune responses to those pathological changes differ from time to time and so do patients’ personal conditions.Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute

In addition, functions of repair and renewing renal tissues make Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy stand out from the others, because it fundamentally eliminate the root cause of proteinuria (Proteinuria and Kidney Disease). The repair of the damaged kidneys is a long but slow process. It is important but should start with two preconditions- activating blood and eliminating stasis, because any repair for the damaged kidneys is on the basis of removing disease focuses. Only persisting in drug administration after those two processes could the kidney receive comprehensive repair, and then cloudy urine will gradually disappear; proteinuria will be relived till negative without any relapses. But the patient should not stop administration of the medications until 2 to 3 courses to avoid flaring up.

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