
How to Treat (Chronic Kidney Disease) CKD Stage 3

The Glomerular Filtration Rate(GFR) of patients with CKD stage 3 is between 30-59 ml/min. As long as it has not developed to Renal Failure, that means the GFR is higher than 20ml/min, there is chance that it can be reversed.
Renal function has strong adaptability to the damage of the disease, and that is what often called reserve capacity. That means if the kidney is only damaged partly or slightly damaged, the kidney can regulate itself and there is no manifestation of Renal Failure. However, this compensation has limitation. It is like a big balloon that has certain elasticity. When aerating for a short time, the balloon will not be damaged, but continue to aerate and when it is over the endurance of the balloon, it will explode. The process of aerating has different stages and it is the same with renal function. Generally, according to the condition for Renal Failure, it can be divided into 4 stages.Where Can I Get Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
In CKD stage 3, though the Glomerular Filtration Rate has declined, it is still higher than 30ml/min. Though the reserve capacity has declined, the renal discharge function can still maintain the stableness of the internal environment. The patients may have no symptom or azotemia clinically.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for CKD
Patients with CKD stage 3 are very likely to live a long life. In this stage, if the treatment is proper, the renal function can be normal. However, if it is not well treated, the disease can develop to Renal Failure. The treatment may be different for people in different physical condition. The key point is that what kind of treatment you receive and whether it is proper and timely. Besides, nursing care is also very important. The patients should try not catch cold or get angry. Take light food. The most important is that the patients should be confident in fighting against the disease especially in the treatment.
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital adopts combined therapy of Chinese medicine and western medicine to treat Chronic Kidney Disease. The effective agents of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can arrive the renal lesions directly and has the features of fast absorption and strong pertinence. Besides, we use western medicine to treat the complications. Micro-Chinese medicine can provide clean internal environment and effectively prevent the renal fibrosis of the healthy nephrons. It can activate the metabolic function of renal inherent cells, promote the phenotype transformation and recover the renal function in highest degree. If treated in time, patients in CKD stage 3 can avoid dialysis and kidney transplant forever.

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